Chapter 16

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- Max -

We drive in silence back to my house leaving the game early after I'd called the guys to let them know I'd found her and that I had to go. They, thankfully, didn't ask why just said they'd see me soon. I kept glancing over, contemplating whether or not to ask why she so desperately needed to get home.

Camila isn't the type to be so upset over something that was minor. Whatever has happening at home, was bad. I mean really bad. And she needed to get back now, not after Thanksgiving.

We slowly pull up to my house driveway coming to a stop in front of the dark brown painted garage doors. She doesn't flinch, doesn't even move to open the door. I let out a deep breath staring at her.

"Camila," I say gently reaching out to touch her. "Baby, tell me what's wrong? What happened to your mom."

I can tell a tear is sliding down her cheek because of the gleam coming off her face from the garage light. Her hand goes to wipe it away before she unbuckles herself and gets out. She starts walking up the stairs just as the door swings opened and my dad steps out.

He glances at Camila as she walks by confused then glances at me. "What happened?"

"Like you care," I say cooly, walking right past.

"Max," he exasperates, grabbing my arm.

"What?" I spit, spinning around ripping my arm from his grasp.

"Can we talk? Please?"

"You had nineteen years, dad, to talk to me. Nineteen."

"I know, son, and I'm sorry it took me this long to realize how unhappy you were. Please, can we talk?"

I look up the stairs where Camila had just disappeared up before sighing, walking into the family room to the left of the stairs.

I sit on the white couch that faces the fireplace, my dad takes a seat beside me. "First, I want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being much of a dad. I'm sorry for not allowing our relationship to grow apart from soccer and I am especially sorry for letting Avery in without telling you, but son, you have to know I didn't know she'd go to your room. She said she'd find you, not that she'd wait for you in your room when I said I'd go and get you for her."

"Dad, Avery I can handle, what I hate, is the lack you have in me to change. I don't treat Camila the way I did those other girls and for you to insinuate that she is just any other one of the girls I quote on quote indulge in is some shit. If you really knew me you'd've seen how different she is to me. I don't want to play pro soccer. Maybe I'll become a businessman, or a doctor, who the fuck knows, but, I want to know that whatever I decide to do, you'll support regardless of whether it follows your 'plan' for me. Because I know damn well that whatever future I have, Camila is included in it."

My dad stares at me for a long time, different emotions flitting across his face. Finally, with wide eyes, and a slow smile he speaks. "You love her...don't you?"

I blink taken aback for a moment but then smile glancing down before looking up at my dad. "Yeah, for the first time I have someone who wants me for me. Not for who you are, not for what I have and not for my ability."

My dad nods. "I understand what that's like. I do. But, son, let me tell you right now. You are too talented of a soccer player to give up the opportunities that could come from your abilities. Don't let me, your slightly pig-headed father, take the love you did—do—have for the game. Please. Soccer is you. I'm not trying to deter you or change your mind about any dream or goal you may have but, don't stop because of me. Play for you and not for me because I can tell you right now, two of happiest days of my life is the day you were born and the day you graduated from high school. You have and still do make me proud, don't think that because you play soccer that that's the only thing that makes me proud of you. That's simply not true. I love you, Maxie. I want you to know that."

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