Hospital Again?!

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Ray POV:

I woke up so a man in white shaking me.

??: Sir, You need to get up!
Ray: WTF Man!
??: Arent you here for Mrs.[your last name]
Ray: (hops up) Yea! Where is she? Is she okay!?
??: Sir, calm down. Im Dr.Haygood and im telling you that (YN) is not in a coma
Ray: Thank God!(kisses his hand and holds it up)
Dr.H: BUT,shes having a bit of memory lose
Ray: What does that mean?
Dr.H: It means she probably wont remember the last few months
Ray: Wait, shes pregnant… she will remember me and that right.
Dr.H: We dont know that
Ray: Well can I see her
Dr.H: Yea, she’s in room 342A
Ray: Thanks (turns around and starts walking)
Dr.H: Sir
Ray: (turns around) huh?
Dr.H: Just talk about stuff that she should remember
Ray: alright

I turned around and looked an Madi asleep in my arms. She looked so peaceful. I really hope (YN) remembers me and Madi. As I walked in the room (YN) was looking at me weird.This is going to be tough…

Regular POV:

Ray: Hey baby.. how you feeling?
You: What are you talking about?
Ray: (sighs) So you dont remember me?
You: I think… your my house keeper right
Ray: N-No

Ray goes and puts Madison in a chair and walks to your bedside

Ray: Im your boyfirend (YN), your lover? soulmate? future husband?
You: My boyfriend?
Ray: Yea
You: (take Rays hand) are you sure?
Ray: Im Positive… I wouldnt lie to you babe, I need you in my life and our kids life
You: K-K-Kids?!
Ray: Yea, we have Madison (points to Madi) and your pregnant with our sons
You: (look down at your stomach) Woah! how?
Ray: (explains everything)
You: Ohh so how long have we been together?
Ray: Almost a year
You: How long have I been pregnant?
Ray: Your 5 months tomorrow
You: Are you good to me? Like you dont abuse me or anything right?
Ray: No Never! I told you the day Prince hit you i would NEVER do that.
You: Prince? You mean Princey? From 3rd grade?
Ray: Yes
You: He h-hit me?
Ray: Yea but you forgave him and he moved on from his lil crush on you…

Madison woke up crying because she didnt know the surrounding she was in. Ray went over to get her.

Ray: Come on Madi.. stop crying babygirl
You: Lemme see her

Ray comes and hands her to you.. He turns around and gets the diaper bag and starts searching for the things to make a bottle.

Madi: (looks at you with watery hazel eyes) Mommy!?
You: (look up at Ray) A-Am I her Mommy?

Ray shook his head yes and I couldnt do anything cause i was in shock and then she said it again and i snapped back.

You: Mommys right here (wiping her tears)
Madi: (lets out a giggle) Mommy(smiling)
You: (laugh)

Ray came up to you with a bottle in his hand

Ray: You wanna feed her babe?
You: Yea(taking the bottles and feeding Madi) So were a big happy family?
Ray:(laughs) not big yet

You and Ray were having a good time and some of your memory came back.Madison was happy and everything. Ray got a phone call.

((Phone Convo))

Ray: hello??
Mrs.M: I need (YN)’s project
Ray: Mrs.Marks, can it not wait? Shes in the hospital
Mrs.M: Im sorry Ray, but it has to be turned in today
Ray: Ughh, Get Prod to go in our room and get it off her desk.. but DO NOT touch anything else cause she will notice!
Mrs.M: alright alright
((Convo Over))

You: Who was that Ray?
Ray: Just our teacher, baby
You: What did she want?
Ray: she needed your project and i told her where it was
You: but babe.. I dont think i finished the project

note. Ray doesnt know about Keisha signing papers about (YN)

((Doctor comes In))

Dr.:Alright (YN) you need to be getting your rest
You: Im not tired.. but thanks
Dr.: (laughs to himself) were gonna give you some medication that will put you to sleep
You: Ohhhh.

The doctor puts the medician in your IV and leaves you start getting tired to wear you cant keep your eyes open. Ray walks over

Ray: Can Madison sleep with you babe? Since it has the rails on the bed?
You: (shaking your head) mmhmmm
Ray: Thanks(kisses you softly)

Ray went over and got comfortable in the chair.. He kept thinking about if you got a bad grade how you would have to go back and live with your parents.

Ray POV:

I cant let them take her from me.. Shes carying my sons, i promised I would be with her every step of the way and i cant if shes in another state. Why TF does this always happen to me.(looks over at you) Aww both of my babys look so peaceful sleeping. The next thing I knew I was knocked out…Sleep

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