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      you and bo were through. he had his chance, and he lost it. it pained you to think of that night. it was unfair of him to say things like that. kidding or not. sure, it's his job to make jokes, but about you? there's a line, and your ex-boyfriend most definitely crossed it that night. thoughts of the earful of anger you gave him when he got home seemed to constantly flood your mind at the worst times. but that's normal for a break up, right? you hoped so.
                                                                              screech, screech

you rise from your bed with a groan, your hand blindly feeling around your bedside table for your alarm clock, which was currently loudly blaring its ear-wrenching sound, as if saying, "get the fuck up!". your hand finally landed on the button, causing the alarm to cease its screaming. brushing your disheveled bed head from your eyes with your fingers, you reach across to your beside table to check your phone. only a few texts from your friends and twitter notifications.
       after showering, dressing yourself in simply a t-shirt and jeans, and doing your hair, (you didn't typically bother with makeup these days, since you didn't really socialize much.) you did nothing but sit yourself down on your couch and write in your songbook. after fifteen minutes or so of silence, you decided to open your laptop and turn on a youtube video. of course there's an ad. but what's even better? it was an add for bo's new special, "make happy". it apparently was released to netflix today—not that you cared.

         after seeing the ad a few more times, you started the special out of frustration. typical bo humor, of course there was a segment about his big breakup. he obviously made it ridiculous. it seemed like he didn't even care. he sure seemed like he did the day you left him. but now? he's making people laugh their asses of about it. but not long before the special's conclusion—you realized you may have made a horrible mistake.

"look at them, they're just staring at me,
like, come and watch the skinny kid with a steadily declining mental health
and laugh as he attempts to give you what he cannot give himself."

bo was hurting. badly. you could lie to yourself and say that he deserved to feel the way he did. but it broke your heart seeing your bo like that. you had to find him. you had to make things right.

i hope you're happy // bo burnhamWhere stories live. Discover now