nine (for real)

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a quick update:

you didn't attend any of the award shows. as much as you wanted to support him, you didn't want to attract any attention and give people any ideas about the status of you and bo's relationship, so you stayed home. you did give him an earful about how bullshit the oscars are for not nominating him or the film, though. which was satisfying, despite him having to calm you down afterward.

but back to the story:

bo: meet me at the chipotle like ten minutes away from here

y/n: you're kidding

bo: we're celebrating

y/n: we already did that. like all week.

bo: y/n

y/n: fiiiine

you begrudgingly put on presentable clothes for an afternoon on the weekend. the drive, like bo had said, only took around ten minutes. you could already see his dumb head in the window above everyone else.

walking inside the mildly busy establishment, you spot bo at a two chair table in the corner of the room, and hurry toward him. he'd already ordered for you.

"no shit —— you remembered what to get me?"

"sure," bo shrugs, half of his burrito's contents spilled onto the tray on the table. you two used to come here sometimes. when you were together. taking a seat across from him, you hurriedly begin eating. damn, it'd been a long time since you'd been here. let alone here with him.

it was a quiet lunch, but not an awkward one. the silence was briefly broken every now and then by bo cursing about having to scoop the spilled ingredients of his chicken burrito up with his fork, followed by you laughing.

deciding to drive back to his apartment with him, you throw away the leftover trash from lunch, and say your brief goodbyes as you get into separate cars, heading for the same destination.

a ten minute drive brings you to bo's place, soon sitting on the corner spot of his couch with a sleepy bruce on your lap, a birthday hat still on his head from the day before.
  "heyyy, birthday boy." you say to him with a smile, running your fingers through his white fur. it was hard to believe you briefly helped raise him as a puppy.

it's not long before bo is urging you to let him have him back, though. to which you of course pass him over. you liked watching bo play with bruce, anyway. making goofy faces and speaking to him. all one way conversations, of course. though by now you wouldn't be surprised if bo hears bruce's imaginary voice in his head with how much time he spends talking to him.

eventually letting him run off across the apartment, you turn to face him, propping your elbow up on the top of the couch and resting your cheek on your palm.

"so," he says.

"so?" you respond.

"i was thinking. i dunno..." his sentence trails, leaving you to egg him on to finish it.

"i just— i thought since... we've been hanging out..."

"bo — c'mon, you're gonna finish it."

"doyouwanttotryagain?" he finally rushes out, leaving you perplexed for a moment, only to realize what was said and pause.

"... well..."

bo watches you nervously. well, more studiously than anything.

"what the hell took you so long?"



woah guys another chapter

i hope you're happy // bo burnhamWhere stories live. Discover now