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Mangles P.O.V

Wow that was unexpected,like really unexpected
Alex was blushing and smiling,but it all seemed to disappear when she looked at shade as he rushed out the room
Whats wrong with him?
"Hay spring,im going to go check up on shade" i told him,he noded
I walked down the passage i saw shade go through,i wounder whats wrong
Right at the end i aaw him,curled up in a ball
My ears lowered as i walked over
"Shade?whats wrong?" I asked as i kneeled down infront of him
He lifted his head,white tears flowing down his face
"I-i was afraid" he said his voice low and full of sadness
I moved over to the side and sat next to him
"Afraid of what?" I asked patting him on the back
"T-that....she would move on" he said covering his face with his knees
"Who?" I asked softly
"You where afraid she would fall for someone else?"
He noded
"..i tryed to get her to notice me" he cryed into his knees,his ears dropped down
"But she just didn't see me,she saw me as just a freind....a weird freind"
I hugged him
"I dont know s-she loved that fox.."
I tryed to comfort him but i cant do anything fix this
"Im sure theres someone else that you'll fall in love with one day" i said
He shook his head
"No....there isn't. ....alex was my everything,my very reason to live,to stay here,im in love with her mangle....you wont understand as you already have the one you love..."

(Meh chapter

Mangle X SpringtrapWhere stories live. Discover now