Oh your a player? Cool I'm the coach

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I am Alana say it with me Ah-lah-na. There good now that we got my name pronunciation out of the way let me tell you about myself. I'm 16 an 'Army brat' as alot of kids like to call me. Whatever they say I'm spoiled. They don't know me both my parents in the army wondering if they're coming back staying in a house alone with only the neighbors to check on you and feed you because they 'care'. Anyways let us learn about my history.

I was 10 when I left my hometown, i mean i didnt move far I was like 2 hours away. I moved from Houston to Austin. Well the reason.... boys. Yes one physco boy. He tortued me everyday. Basically we were in a abusive relationship without even being in a relationship. He would stare I thought he liked me I mean of course I didn't like him but I sorta liked the thought that he liked me and I didn't like him. His name Daniel

We would get aloong some days then fight others. It took two days to brake me down.

It started when him and his friends decided to crowd around my desk, and cue the jackass.

Daniel was sitting right in my desk.I knew I was going to be in trouble for being out of my seat so I took matters into my own hands...

"Daniel c'mon class is about to start." I pleaded with him as I sat my stuff down on my desk.

He simply looked at me and turned back to his conversation. I looked at my binder and the heavy book on it.

'No you'll get in trouble' I told myself, but I never listened so I Picked up the boo and slammed it across his face.

There was a loud echo. 'Ooh's filled the room as he turned to glare at me.

I knew right then I made a mistake. Surprisingly He simply stood up and got out of my seat I sat down happily and watched him walk by.

Then a sudden sharp pain struck me in my back. Daniel had stabbed me with his pencil.

'Don't cry. You will not let them see you cry.' I counted to 10 but everytime I thought about the sharp pain I wanted to cry not because it hurt my feelings.

Simpoly because I wanted to beat the living crap outta him but I knew doing it know would get me in trouble.

The next day we had to rotate seats for a new grading period.

I was dreading this because I sat right behind Daniel. When I got there He didn't even turn to glance at me.

I knew it was for the best that he didn't talk to me but somehow I wanted him to.

Class started as I sat my binder upright on my desk to grab a pencil from the floor.

Suddenly my binder fell. I looked up and Daniel was smirking at me with his head back leaning on my desk.

I still ask my self how our teacher didn't notice even though we were sitting next to her.

But for the rest of class he kept doing that.

I got fed up because he was compromising my learning and I already sucked at Math and he knew that being as he was one of the smartest kids in the class.

Finally the game stopped being fun to me as the lesson came to an end I stabbed him in the top of the head with a pencil.

He sucked in a breath. "What the heck Alana!" He whispered I just returned the smirk he had been giving me all class.

I won this round... or so i thought when we walked out of class to leave he slammed me into a wall and knocked my stuff down.

nobody laughed of course cause it wasn't funny it was hurtfull, but no one wanted to go up against Daniel since he was a very powerful boy.

I broke down in the hallway Daniel looming over me and laughing. His friends just stood there they didn't want to join him but then again the had no choice they chuckled but nothing too serious.

I went home that night and demanded to live with my Aunt in Austin I mean I wasn't being fed by anyone at home.

I had lots of friends and on long weekends they could still come and visit.

When I turned 16 I decided to move back to me old school.

Well actually my friend had assured me that Daniel had been sent to another school by his parents for attempted rape on a girl

. I wasn't surprised. I agreed to move back into my old house.

My neighbors who had been my second set of parents had been ecstatic to see me back had invited me to dinner every night so that I didn't spend the night alone.

I sat back on my old bed and thought to myself God has answered my prayers that prick has left. I got up and got dressed to go to my neigherbors for dinner.

Oh you're a player? Cool I'm the coachWhere stories live. Discover now