Beware the beast

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As i realized that I didn't wanna sit here like this anymore I got up.

I left Daniels side and reached slowly towards my door.

"Alana... I'm sorry I dont know what came over me it's just..." He sighed "Look I'm not a bad guy alright?" He said looking down and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Look Daniel I just wanna get inside..." I said turning  towards my door.

This time he reached out and held my hand.

I turned back to face him and he kissed me.

I didn't know what to do... suddenly the sound of someone clearing their throat interuppted it all.

I pushed Daniel back and looked around to see Micah standing there uncomfortably.

"So I guess our date is off?" He said.

"No Micah!! Look I can explain.." I said

"If you didn't wanna go on a date with me you could've just said no." He backed away and headed towards his car.

Daniel just leaned agaisnt the door and smirked at me. This jackass!!

"You knew!!" I said

"Knew what?" He tried to act all innocent.

"Knew that Micah made a date with me. Jacob and Craig probably told you didn't they?!!" I said looking down the street. They were still sitting in his drive-way.

"Maybe they did.." He said

"And you saw Micah pull up!! Ugh how could I  fall for that whole. 'I'm not a bad guy' crap!!" I said throwing my hands up in anger and pacing back and forth.

"Look Lana I'm seriosly not a bad guy." He said.

"How am I even supposed to trust you after that!!?" I continued to pace. How was I going to explain the situation to Micah without him going off at Daniel.

"Look Lana---"

"And stop calling me Lana!! Alana is not a hard name to say!!  I'm done i'm pissed im beyond the gates of hel--" He kissed me again.

"Will you listen please?" He said. I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrow.

"Well... I didnt actually think you'd listen to me. I have nothing to say.." He said.

"goodbye daniel!!" I said walking inside...


sorry so short but i wanted to put this out there......

on the side is what Alana was wearing. -------->

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