Blood everywhere, screams and shrieks of people. The crys and wails of the wounded and mourning, all of this around us. The whistle of bullets, the heat of fire and explosions, faces blank with shock. Children huddled together in alley ways crying, whimpering, shushing the younger ones while begging and pleading for not only the end but their familys safety. They wish not of themselves but of others, so selfless in this time of chaos and horror. All the pain, sorrow, and loss started years ago yet we are still here, unlucky or lucky we may never know becuase who knows if one person will live until the next day or not.
We play a seemingly never ending game of chess one wrong move and your captured or dead. That one guy over there with a bullet in his leg won't make it to the end of the week, those children gripping that womens hands she will die, they'll live but not long. The loss of the women will scar them give them strength, anger, hatred, and the worst of all Regret. At least one will die by their own hand, the middle child most likely, the oldest will die of careless revenge, and the youngest will survive only because he won't remember.
Many will die others will live, were doomed either way. Nobody remembers the old days the days of peace and justice, yes there was war back then but not this, this isn't war this is slaughter, careless pointless slaughter. Murderers walk the streets, not one person remembers a time of prosperity. It's sad really but inevitable, ponitless but important all the same. A struggle will be there no matter how long it is ignored stuggles never leave. That is impossible.
The five of us walked swiftly down the blood slicked street, watching, waiting for an ambush studying the surrounding area. Three bone thin dogs ran up to us, two growling and barring their teeth, the third sitting and waiting for an order a sign. Either its young or had a master who died recently, sad really obiedient yet useless, a waste. The man to my left, looked the animals over in a mere two seconds then bam-pew-bam they were dead, another bloody mess that ran off the streets like red paint on an already red canvas. We stepped over them and kept walking this was nothing new, hungry animals are a waste they consume the little food we have around. The sun would be setting soon we needed to find shelter, we saw a fire buring in the small patch of woods that ran behind the outer edge of the city.
The five of us headed towards the blaze, the walk would take a few minutes let us introduce ourselves. The leader of our little pack is Morgan (Taylorson), the second in line for the job is Charlie Jones, under them are Micheal Peterson and his little brother James, and the final member is Sammantha White. Introductions are over as we have reached our destination, whispers were heard, laughing and the clank of glass. Signaling for silence Morgan and Charlie peered at the group, Charlie help up three fingers telling us there were three people who we may just kill tonight.
We circled their camp like animals which we may just be, we kill mercilessly everyday to survive. Just as wolves, lions, and other beasts do. The world as we know it ended years ago leaving us alone and without hope. One by one Micheal took them and tied them up, Sam looked them over, all boys no surprise really. Girls tend to be quieter, Charilie and James searched the camp they had a small bit of food but plenty of knives. While James and his brother watched over the captive the others debated on what to do. The final decision was simple, no debate really, we would kill them, it was easy and in some way kind. They wouldn't have to struggle anymore.
We sat down next to one of them, looking at the smallest one who was frowning, his eyes filled with fear. We were meant to be feared we were muderers, Micheal pulled out his dagger, his "lucky" dagger, " Please don't hurt her! " yelled the biggest guy, we all froze in shock, her? Micheal yanked away the hat and stood the "girl" up. Sam looked "her" over, nodding after giving a pat down, this person was indeed female. Morgan stood up and paced around the small flames " They may live, but they must swear alligence to us and us only. " after given several pat downs all of their weapons were taken, "Keep an eye on them." whispered Morgan "And put that fire out wouldn't you." she growled.
Black wings bleed
AventureMany people choose not to see reality but for others, they have no choice...