3. Agenda 21- Part 2

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If the patient is quite wealthy, they will be given a drug cocktail, which turns them into zombies. They will then be ruled 'Incompetent' & a guardian ad litem will be appointed that will take control of all their assets; sell their home and belongings, wipe out there bank accounts and pay themselves & various predators for any ' Service' they can think of until every dime is gone. If a family member tries to stop this, they will be deemed a 'danger' to their loved one & denied any access or visitation. The patient will be told that their family member doesn't care about them as a reason why visits have stopped. Needless to say, this causes immense trauma to their elderly victim. They often do such things as file a divorce on behalf of their victim without their knowledge or consent.

Not surprisingly, the Orwellian named ' Child Protective Services' often does the same thing to their young victims. This is also part of the Agenda 21. After all, agenda 21 is about destroying the family. In order to destroy the family you have to do it both ways - destroying the bonds of the elderly with their adult children and parents with their young children.

The financial Parasitism of the elderly has been thoroughly researched by Marti Oakley (Http://ppjg.mel). It can be unbelievably lucrative for the judges, guardians and others involved in the fraud. In one case if the ' Guardian' stole more than $49 million from their victim. They are systematic in their theft by making sure that they first know of all assets if their elderly victims.

The first thing these 'Guardians' do is declare their victim a word of the court. Once this is done, the 'ward' is no longer considered to be human. Their home is never used in any legal proceedings involving them although they have to pay for EVERYTHING if they have the money. They pay for all court costs, all 'legal' Costa, etc. They don't get to address the court. They have no rights - other than the 'right' to be robbed blind.

They keep them alive as long as they have good insurance. When that runs out or when the estate is dried up, the outright murder by medicine romps up. An example of this is a story that Dr. Rebecca Carley (www.drcarley.com) told about a long island couple where the husband was intentionally given mismatched blood during a blood transfusion, a common way they eliminate the elderly. Others are killed off through vaccines and overdosing them on pain medication.

Often times they move them around to different facilities and or change their diagnosis so they can keep up their billing their insurance. As insurer's can pass the costs onto the general public in higher premiums we all pay for this. That is why they put up with it.

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