thirty three

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thirty three

I had no intention of going to Canada. I needed to finish what was here, I needed to see through what my mother had started. And I wasn't going to leave Alex and Callum. I wasn't going without them, without making sure they were okay.

So the next morning, before everyone had awoken, I slipped out of bed and wandered the corridors.

The first person I passed, I nudged gently. "Hi sorry, can you direct me towards Charles Anthony, please?"

"Yeah sure," the guy replied easily. "Three floors lower in the control room. He's in a meeting at the moment so you won't be able to bother him, but he should be out in about a half hour."

I smiled and said thanks before making my way towards the lift. I rolled my eyes, of course I thought I was getting up earlier than everyone when in actual fact, they probably never went to sleep in the first place. I followed his directions and found myself outside a room guarded by two burly men. One raised an eyebrow at me. I cleared my throat and stood up straight. "I want to help," I said. "I want to finish what my mother started. I need to see Charles Anthony."

"Hold on," one of the guards said before he slipped into the boardroom. He came back out after a moment. "You're wanted in there now."

"Thanks," I replied. I took a deep breath and shook out the tired muscles in my body. Mustering as much confidence I could, I pushed through the double doors.

Charles stood at the head of the table with two men I didn't recognise either side of him. To my surprise, Alex and Callum were both sat at the table with tense expressions on their faces.

Charles smiled at me. "Jade, how nice to see you're safe. Are you ready for your transfer?"

I cleared my throat. "That's what I want to speak to you about. I don't want to go to Canada, I want to stay and help."

He raised an eyebrow. "And what makes you think you can help?"

"I don't know, all I know is that my mother started all this for a reason and I am determined to see it through. I just keep feeling like all the people I care about keep getting hurt to make sure I don't. I just can't keep going on like that, I need to help. Whatever I can do, I want to do it," I said with determination.

Charles exchanged a look with Alex and Callum before raising an eyebrow at me. "Interesting. Maybe you should stay after all."

Alex looked at Charles. "She's not experienced enough. She barely made it into O1 at the Academy."

"I can do this," I said through gritted teeth, annoyed that Alex was once again trying to cut me down. "Let me stay."

Charles gestured to me whilst looking at Alex. "It's her choice. She might come in handy after all. Take a seat, Jade."

"I think this meeting is over," Alex said tensely.

Charles raised his hand. "No, it's not. Sit, Jade."

I did as I was told as Alex avoided my eyes. Callum dropped his head into his hands. Charles addressed the others. "As I was saying, the extraction plan will take place next week. It will be done at night, in and out with Henry." Charles kept talking but I couldn't keep following.

When there was a pause in his speech, I spoke up. "Extraction plan?"

"I thought Alex and Callum had gone over this with you?" Charles said. "The Infinite captured Will, Henry, Kevin and Max last week. We're going to get them out."

I stopped short. "Wait, what? I thought they were in Canada with Marsha and Elaine."

Charles glanced at Alex, then at me. "Well you thought wrong."

I looked at Callum who had his head down. I looked back to Charles. "You talked about only getting Henry."

Charles nodded. "Our Intel tells us they're being held in four different places. It's too dangerous to get all four of them—Henry is our priority. We'll go back for the others at a later date."

"That's ridiculous. You have to get everyone out. They could kill them!" I exclaimed.

Alex finally looked at me, as if pleading me to be quiet. "It's too dangerous, Jade. Henry is part of the inner circle, we need him to win this battle."

"Kevin's your brother," I whispered. "Will's your father and you're just going to let this happen?"

Alex dropped my gaze and Charles spoke up. "There is an alternative."

Callum and Alex were both out of their chairs in an instant. "No," Alex said harshly. "There's no need."

I felt like I was once again missing something, so I too rose from my chair. "Will someone please tell me what is happening? And stop with all the lies." I looked pointedly at the boys, whom led me to believe Kevin and Will were safe.

Charles looked at Alex. "I'm sure you can tell her. I have other things to tend to. Make sure you don't leave anything out this time, or I'll tell her myself."

Brushing past me, Charles left the room followed by the other men. I was left alone with Alex and Callum.

"You lied to me," I said instantly. "The worse part is I'm not even surprised because I'm so used to being kept in the dark. But not this time, you don't get to lie to me anymore. I'm a part of this just as much as you are. Now tell me the goddamn truth. What's the alternative?"

Callum didn't even bother replying, he just looked at Alex for guidance. A muscle in Alex's jaw ticked, his eyebrows cast downwards in deep thought. I felt like I was about to be hit with more horrifying news, which seemed to be becoming the story of my life recently. I tried to brace myself as best as possible.

Alex looked at me. His eyes were a deep blue; they seemed to darken when he was tired. "The only other way to get them all back safely is for you to hand yourself over to the Infinite," Alex said before he looked away quickly. It was the first time I'd ever been with him where he couldn't even look me in the eyes.

I stumbled back slightly by the news. "And if I were to hand myself over, they would give us back every Sector agent?"

Callum nodded in agreement. "And Henry is important to this battle but if you had everyone that would be better?"

"Well yes—"

"So Charles actually wants me to hand myself over," I cut him off. "That's probably the best thing I could do right now, right? You weren't going to tell me, were you? You were just going to let me leave. Charles thought I knew," I said quietly

"There are other ways to do this, Jade," Callum said fiercely. "Better ways."

"Alex?" I questioning, wanting to know his stance on the whole thing.

He hesitated and that was enough of an answer to me. "Right. I guess I better go tell Charles I'm going on a trip after all."

I turned to leave and Alex grabbed my arm. "Just wait a minute, no one is going anywhere. You're not handing yourself over. We're going to get everyone out alive."

"I need to take a walk."


"No," I cut Alex off quickly. "I just need to think this through."

He quickly closed the space between us and cupped my face in his hands. "We'll figure something out. I'm not letting you hand yourself over."

I pulled his hands away. "This is your family, Alex. I don't even have any left. I can't ask you to keep protecting me. I need to make this decision on my own."

And with that, I turned on my heel and left the two boys behind alone. 

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