Jack's POVBeep! Beep! Beep! My alarm clock went off next to his ear. I jolted awake. "Ahh! What the fuck?!?!" I looked over to my alarm clock only to find it was 6 A.M. "Fuck," I whispered under my breath.
Another day in hell... I thought to myself. I hoped off my bed and dashed to the bathroom with my clothes.
I stripped off my clothes and put on my black jeans ripped at the knees. A black shirt and a mahogany colored hoodie. I grabbed my beanie and put on. I pulled it back a little to show my faded green hair.
I brushed my teeth and ran to the kitchen to eat breakfast before my dad wakes up. My mom's already in the kitchen and made me some waffles.
My mother puts her finger to her lips then pointed at the room. I quickly nod and make my way to the table.
"Do you want me to drive you to school," my ma asks me. "Nah," I reply, "I'll walk to school." She slightly nods and grabs my plate when I'm done. I thank my mother and start heading to school
I was half way there until I hear laughing behind me. I turn around only to find asshole jocks. Also, of course, the biggest asshole of all, Mark.
God I hate saying his name. I despise it.
"Hey look, it's the faggot," one of Mark's jock buddies yelled pointing at me. Ok I'll admit I am bi, but damn i fuckin hate theses guys. I flip them off without looking back and quicken my pace. Mark smirks.
He grabs my shoulder and shoves my to the ground. "Ow! What the hell!" I yell. "Don't ever flip me off," Mark growls. I roll my eyes with total sarcasm and rage in my eyes. He pushes against the ground even more then jumps up. He walks past me giving me a kick hard enough to make me flinch but soft enough not to make me scream.
Out of the corner of my eyes I catch a glimpse of sorrow in Mark's eyes for a split second. Then it changes back to pure anger and rage.
I push myself off the ground and travel the rest of the way to school.
I make it to class before the teacher walks in. He takes attendance before starting the lesson.
I take notes and pay attention to the lesson Mr. Gatwood is teaching. I tilt my head to the side to stretch and out of the corner of my eye, I catch Mark's staring at me. I shrug it off trying to stay focused on the lesson.
The bell rings and I quickly gather my things and dash out the door trying to avoid Mark and his buddies.
I make my way to my locker to get the things I need for my next class. A shadow appears behind me, and without looking I snap, "What the fuck do you want?" Felix glares at me and says, "Geez, you don't need to be so rude."
I turn around and my expression softens, "Oh," I whisper, "I'm sorry"
His face softens, "It's ok, you didn't know." I walk past him without saying 'hi'. Tears start forming in my eyes as I fast walk to my next class. "Your not going to say 'hi'?" He yells as I quicken my pace.I walk in the door just as the bell rings. I take my seat and take my notebooks out and set them on my desk. Again, I catch Mark staring at me with pure sorrow for a few second then it changes with determination and anger.
I'm taking that's as a bad sign. Bet again everything as a bad sign. I'm one of those shy, outstanding people, ya know?
I blink a few times before snapping back to shitty reality. I turn my attention back to the front and start taking notes again.
"Fishback," Mr. Gatwood called, "what's the square root to 196?" Mark froze trying to figure the question out. "21" he said. The whole class burst out laughing at Mark, everybody but me. I didn't laugh because anything that comes from Mark, even the funniest joke, I hate, and always will.
Mark didn't want anybody noticing that he was dumb, so he laughed along with them giving them the illusion that it was a 'joke'. I saw right threw like it was the clearest window possible.
I rolled my eyes and turned me towards the teacher. Mr. Gatwood glared at Mark then yelled in order to get everybody's attention, "Incorrect," he then turned towards me, "McLoughlin?" I smirked, "The correct answer is 14." Mr. Gatwood nodded then made a note and continued with the lesson.
I sunk into my chair as I saw Mark giving me his death stare. I feel it burning trough my skin and bones. Shit, I'm dead, I thought to myself.
The bell rings and I cheer inside my head, celebrating it's lunch. Also I'm murdering myself because I'm also dead during lunch.
I sigh escapes my lips. I gather my things, then make my way to my locker to drop my stuff off. I shadow yet again appears over me. This time I turn around so I don't snap at somebody that just wants to say 'hi'.
Instead of getting a nice 'hello', I get a lets-get-smashed-really-hard-to-the-locker kind of 'hello'. All the air gets knocked out of my lungs as I get shoved into the lockers. I gasp for air after getting the wind knocked out of me. I look up only to find Mark laughing at me. Sweet Jesus does this dude ever give up? I ask myself. He kicks me over my side on the floor. No, I answer my own question, he never does.
Just then a teacher, Mrs. Honey, walks by and sees Mark kicking me to the ground. She quickly springs into action and runs towards me. "Mark Edward Fishback, to the office right now!" Mrs. Honey yells. Mark looks up and scoffs before walking away.
Hey!!! Sorry it sucks, but HEY!!! It's my first chapter and story. If you got any suggestions just comment down below and I might use them. I'll try to update daily if not I'm sry, I've got a big schedule of laziness XXXDDD
Well anyway, I will see
all you dudes, in the next one, BUH-BYE!!!!!

¡Help Me!
FanfictionSilent sobs escape my lips, for I can't hold it in much longer. A few tears turned into a river of salty tears. "What...went...wrong...?" I rhetorically asked in between sobs. Repeating the question, physically and mentally, I kept asking myself tha...