What Went Wrong?!

44 1 17

Mark's P.O.V.

"G-Great. W-we can s-study at my h-house." The words came weakly through my mouth. Jack nodded and smiled, as he removed his hands from my forearm. I stared at the ground, still stuck in my own paradox. "I'm glad that you've finally agreed to this Mark." I hear the coach say, but I don't look up at him. I just nod with out saying anything. We sat in silence for a while, and tension filled the air.

"Well Mark, he's gonna need your address to get to your house." I hear the coach say jokingly, chuckling slightly, attempting to break the silence. I open my hand, gesturing that I need a piece of paper and a pencil. They get the massage and set search for the materials. The components were found and handed to me.

I shakily write my address down and hand the paper over to Jack. He glances at it, and the coach starts speaking again. "Thank you, Mark and Jack for agreeing to do this. You may go back to your classes now." Nodding, I weakly stand up, pushing the chair back in the process, and start walking towards the door.

Every step I took, my legs quivered. Step. Quiver. Step. Quiver. My whole body was cold and shaking. I feel a comforting hand on my shoulder, and I turn around to see a bright green haired boy. He gives me a reassuring look, but I just stare at him. It was one of those can't help but return the smile, smile. But this time, I couldn't return it. I don't get it. It was just a day dream, why am I acting like this? Jack takes his hand off my shoulder and I suddenly feel empty without his touch. I shiver from the cold air that just hit me.

Finally, I reach the door handle, and made a grip on it. I turn the door handle and exit the door steadily. As soon as I exited the door, I was immediately smacked by a gush of wind. Suddenly, I was hit by realization about my mother. Shit, what if he finds out about my mother? What if she's drunk? Fuck! I shouldn't have said that we can study at my house. I face my attention to Jack only to find that he was staring back at me. I collapse on the floor, landing on my knees. Jack immediately sprang into action and rushed over to me

"Are you alright?!," Jack asked within a worried tone. God, I'm sick of hearing that question... "I-I'm fine," I said. I lied, I'm not fine. I'm anything BUT 'fine'. He helps me up back to my feet and all of my strength has finally returned. I push his hand off my shoulder harshly, and fear returns in his eyes. I never meant for it to be rough, but might as well play along with it. I glare at him through the corner of my eyes, "Thanks, but I don't need help from a fagot like you." I spat at him and make my way back to class. But for some reason, my mind wants to go somewhere else. Somewhere else to....cry. Cry about how weak I am. How much of a failure I am.

God, you're so fucking weak.

You're so useless.

So unwanted.

You're such a failure

The voice...

You don't deserve Jack's care...why would he care for you after all that you've done to him?

The voice is....right. Why would he care for me? After all that I've done to him, he cares?

Go cry in the corner, weakling. A place where nobody goes. Where nobody will follow you. The place where all your tears fall and all your screams are never heard.

I cover my ears with my hands and shake my head, attempting to rid the voice.

This isn't the first and last time you will here of me....

Then with that, the voice was gone....for now. Running to the restroom, to wash my face, my vision becomes blurry. My breath becomes ragged, and everything goes hazy.

Jack's P.O.V.

"Are you alright?!" I asked, a worried and concerned tone in my voice. "I-I'm fine." Mark replied. What the fookin hell is goin on?! He roughly pushes my hand off his shoulder, and fear returns in my eyes. My mind starts to think of almost every possible outcome that could happen. "Thanks, but I don't need help from a fagot like you," he spits out.

I stood there, paralyzed. The word 'fagot' repeating in my brain....

Okay, remember when I said that I was bisexual......yeah.....I lied. I'm just straight up gay. I'm just putting that out there. Back to the story. (Me: Just so you know, that wasn't the author speaking, that was Jack, somehow creating a time pause and telling everybody the truth.)

...My vision became hazy and all I can see is Mark and the word 'fagot' floating around in space. I mean, damn, I didn't even know that was possible. I thought that only existed in movies. So I'm paralyzed, frozen in time, and surprised by the word 'fagot' floating around cause I didn't know that was possible. Yeah I know. I'm gullible. I get it.

Before I realize it, Mark is gone. I look around, surveying my surroundings, Mark was no where to be found. My once tense body relaxes as I inhale and exhale a deep breath. I didn't feel like returning to class, so for the rest of the period I just sit next to my locker, thinking of everything that went wrong.

Hey! So sorry I haven't updated in a while, I kinda lost interest in writing it for a while, trying to catch onto new fandoms like Klance, that I will likely be writing about! If you don't know what it is, go watch Voltron, and if you don't, Imma be very sad... :( Jk, but still... ಠ_ಠ Sorry It was short, I've just been very busy I haven't had time to update...


Well, as always, I will see all you dudes, in the next one,

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