Cuts and Bruises

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Mark's POV

"Mark Edward Fishback, to the office now!" I look up only to find Mrs. Honey running towards me. I scoff and start walking off. I turn my head to see what I've done and I immediately regret it. Jack's gaze met mine and I tore my eyes away walking around the corner. I stop for some reason and peak around the corner to see the damage that I've done to Jack.

I begin tearing up once I spot 3 bruises on his left and right arm. 5 bruises total on both of his legs. He showed Mrs. Honey his back. As he lifted his shirt to show his back, I let out a gasp then slightly sob.

His back was all red and full of cuts from the lockers and his sides were also really bruised from the kicks I've been giving him. I turn my eyes away from the situation and quickly dash to the bathroom to wash my face out.

I arrive to the bathroom and splash water on my face. I look in the mirror with disgust and anger. I examine my facial features and tare my eyes from the mirrors and wipe my face with a paper towel. I glimpse of me in the mirror them look away and run towards the café.

I arrive at the café and order a mint chocolate iced coffee and waited. Two teenage girls show up at my table and sit down rather close to me. I wink at them and smoothly say, "Why, hello ladies." The ladies giggle and scoot a little closer and the one of the right says, "I'm Rebecca and this is my best friend, Crystal." I look over to my left and she shyly waves at me and I wink at her. Crystal softly giggles and blushes. My coffee arrives and the best friends scoot farther away from me giving me my space.

I look at them in confusion and the begin laughing. "I hope you realize that we're not interested, it was just a dare from our other friends over there." Rebecca points over to the booth and begins laughing. I begin laughing with them then attempt speaking, "I knew it, I was thinking that there was something suspicious going on." I begin laughing again.

I lied about knowing something suspicious going on, but I didn't really feel interested anyway. Once we calmed down and caught our breaths Rebecca starts to speak, "We should hang out some time, what's your number?"

"Give me your phone I'll type it, i don't trust saying it out loud," I say. She nods and hands me her phone. I turn it on and look at her with one eyebrow raised. "Oh, sorry, I forgot to unlock it first," she says, laughing. She types in her password and hands me her phone again.

I type in my number then hand over the phone again. I check my phone to see what time it was and yelp . "I'm sorry, I need to get going," I say dashing out door with my mint chocolate coffee. I wave at them on the opposite side of the window and see them waving at them back.

I make it to class surprisingly one minute late. "Care to explain why you're late Fishback," Mrs. Honey asked. "I was making some new friends," I said smirking. "What friends," a student, Ethan, yelled from the front of the room. The whole class bursted out in 'OHHH's' and laughter. "Shut up, Ethan" I said laughing along side with the class. I try catching my breath then I catch a glimpse of Jack staring at me with his ocean blue eyes. He's not laughing. Instead he's...thinking.

I wouldn't blame him if he's slowly planing my death. It's weird because I don't see the look of anger, death, revenge, etc. in his eyes. I can't read them. They're incredibly hard to read. He tares his eyes from my gaze and I look away also, taking a seat and getting my "notebooks" onto my desk.

Mrs. Honey starts teaching and I start drawing in my notebook. "Fishback," Mrs. Honey called noticing my drawings in my notebook, "pay attention." I rolled my eyes and close my notebook to "pay attention".

The bell rang and I swiftly gather my things and head out the door. I head to my locker to switch out my books and notebooks for my next class. I had slight flash back of what happened earlier, but I quickly snap out of it before it's to late.

I arrive at my last class and take my seat. As usual, the hell hole begins.

~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP ~~~~~~~~ BROUGHT TO YOU BY.... PPAP

The bell rang and I dash through the door to the locker room to get dressed for football practice.

I finish getting ready for practice and run out to the field to play. I make it to the fields and start to play. Half an hour in and I see a figure in the shadows with faded green hair. I throw the ball and look over to the figure only to find Jack. "Nice throw, Fishback," my coach said complementing me. "Thanks," I said returning my attention to the practice. I catch the ball again that my teammate threw to me and again I see Jack in the shadows still staring at me. Why is he just staring at me, I ask myself, he hates me and I hate him, I throw the ball once again to my teammate still lost in thought, at least that's what I think, but I still hate him.

Practice ended and I ran to the locker room until I hear somebody call my name, "Fishback!" I turn around only to see my coach pointing at his office. I nod and started walking towards his office after I got changed from my sweaty jersey. I walk in with my bag in my hand and "notebooks" in the other.

I look to the left side of the room and find a green haired boy sitting in it.


Hey, I hoped u enjoyed this one and liked it, and if u didn't like it then that's okay.
Well I'm gonna go make another chapter for u peeps to read so...
As always, I will see all you dudes, in the next chapter, BUH-BYE!!!

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