Chapter.2 gleaming like gold

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I ran.
I ran.
I ran like all hell was just behind me.


‘Stay calm Elena stay calm and run’ I thought running through the forest stumbling on a root but getting back up my breath ragged as I saw the castle gardens. ‘Quicker, I have to be faster’ I heard his large footfalls behind me crashing on the ground as he growled loudly frightening me as I heard maids and the people of my courts screams as they ran, the guards were lined up quickly along the wall. I ran past them as they shot the iron tipped arrows at the thirty-five-foot beast, I watched with horror as the arrowhead bounced of his strong scales a murderous glance thrown to them as he flung them away with one hit a hundred of men went flying sending me running into my castle with wide eyes ushering in all my subjects to the library down to the old underground castle long forgotten.

“Stay in here I will go and warn the villages near.” I said running off shutting the door. I sprint up the stairs to where I slept warning people on the way I burst into my room to find my room a mess with Helga thrown on the floor dark blood in a puddle around her gushing from a stab room in her chest. “Helga!” I screamed my eyes glassy tears threatened to fall as I fell next to her “what happened?” I asked as she looked at me with fearfully eyes.

“I love you my sweet, sweet Ena. Please save yourself.” she said weakly.

“N-no I can't here.” I said giving her some herbs to chew on and putting some leaves on her chest where her wound was applying pressure. “Stay with me Helga!” I said tears falling freely as I thought of all the happy memories we had together.

“I'll be fine go and don't look back get everyone to safety then find me.” she said sitting on the bed.

“I'll be back for you.” I said running down the stairs into the grand hall telling everyone I saw to grab anyone they saw and bring them to the library's entrance underground. I ran outside the guards were lighting the bonfires warning the other villages near.

I walked through the castle to the back everyone was gone but the guards fighting the dragon. The dragon looked at me just as I stepped out of the doors. Half of the guards had fled with only a few left alive throwing spears. The dragon threw the remaining guards to the side, he turned around walking quickly as he flapped his wings.

My eyes were misty,
He killed hundreds
That was what set me off I began crying fully big tear drops fell of my face and ran down the dragons scales gleaming like gold as he floated threw the clouds.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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