||chapter 25||

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I walked to the ride's chair filled with excitement and a bit of nervousness.. (Fml i forgot what it's called) I sat down then Taehyung sat beside me. There are only two seats on this ride so yea. I tucked myself in the chairs. The guy in charge here tightened our belts and this thing that's wrapped around your shoulders for safety.

I turned my head at Taehyung and he is closing his eyes breathing hard.

"Yah! I knew it you're scared" i teased. Instead of replying he didn't. I pouted. The bell rings signalling that the ride will start.

"The ride will start in 3..2..1" Before one we are thrown into mid air. I screamed in joy. I can't hear Taehyung that much but probably he's crying like a baby now. I laughed at myself enjoying the ride.


I closed my eyes then prayed quietly. Jihee asked me yet I ignored her. I hear the bell rings. My heart beats rapidly in fear. I gulped. I didn't heard much what the speaker says I only heard the countdown. Then in a blink we are thrown mid air. I shrieked in fear.

"OMY FUCKING GOODNESS! JIHEE YAH HOLD MY HAND JIHEE YAH" I screamed. She didn't heard me. So I tried to reach for her hand yet I can't move my body. After a few throws the ride finally ended. The guy took off our belts then I tried to stand up. My legs are numb that I cant even move that much. She looked at me while laughing. She grabbed her phone then took a pic. I walked while holding onto the bars of the exit of the ride.

"Aish since im kind" She grabbed my arm then wrapped it around her shoulders. "Dont assume I like you im just helping you" She said. I smiled a bit. She helped me walk to the nearest bench. She made me sit down then She sat down beside me.

"Yah you need something to drink?" She asked with a bith of concern in her voice. I smiled then shook my head. "Yah you're so pale" She said.

"Oh dont mind it im always like this" I joked.

"Shut it it's not joke time bitch. Wait here i'll buy you water" She stood up then runs to the nearest stall. She bought water then she came back sitting beside me again. She opened it then threw it to me. Goodthing I catched it.

"Here drink" she said. I grabbed the water then drank. As im done drinking I wiped my mouth.

"Do you wanna roam around now? Or you'll still rest here?" She asked.

"if roaming around makes you happy then let's go" I said cheerfully.

"Yah are you sure?" She asked.

"I am of course!" I stood up. "See im strong" I said then do some of those manly pose. She just giggled but hid it.

"You look like an old man stop it" She said then stood up.

"Its stob it" I joked then laughed. She punched my arm playfully.

"Yah not funny" She said. "Let's go roam now" She said then walked pass me. I stood still. She turned around.

"Well arent you coming?"

"Nah I wont" I said then shook my head teasing her.

"Want me to beat you up here?" Sheasked cracking her fingers.

"Ok ok fine i'll go" I said. I walked to her then wrapped ny arm on her shoulder.

"Yah dont-"

"Nah dont complain I agreed to roam here so you owe me this" I said looking down at her. She's looking up at me pouting. I pinched her cheek. "My Cute baby Jihee" I said. I waited for her to beat me up but nothing happened. She just blushed while looking away.

"Y-Yah lets go!" She said. She started to walk pulling me hard. She's a strong woman. I laughed thinking about it.

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