Chapter 3

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“I know what it's like staying up all night nursing wounds. It takes more than I have, pick fights with the past, I always lose don't you know? That's no way to live.”

-Icon for hire- (Sorry about you parents.) Media player / Audio track ---->


I woke up to the yummy male nurse poking me in the arm, "What's up Dave." That's all said, I said it a lot louder than I wanted to because he didn't realize I had woken and he jumped. Mwahahaha I scared him, I snickered a bit and he shot me one of those dirty looks saying 'how could you.' We couldn't help it we both busted out laughing when the female nurse came in. I was asked if I was feeling well and if I was hungry I nodded at both. They were about to ask what i wanted before they could say anything I started to sing about pancakes and potatoes. That had caused everyone to loose it, after a few more moments of shits and giggles they left me to rest while they went to go put in a order of pancakes.


About 10 minutes of talking to myself later....

Pancakes! I thanked the Nurse who had brought in my food, I ate happily. I didn't know when the two strange guys would come back so I just sat back and relaxed. It was a bit of a sad realization that I hadn't ad it this easy in many years. It was my favorite tune and I couldn't help it, I didn't hum it. I actually sang... like seriously something I had never done before. I tuned out the whole world and started to sing.

“Lonely girl you lost the only thing you loved. Nothing that you have is ever good enough, And I won’t be the one to keep you safe. And I won’t be the one who stays the same. You’ve got a lot of nerve and Looks like the tables turning, And now you’re wishing Well like you miss me. You’ve got a dirty tongue and Looks like the damage done is forever, And it’s a long time to miss me. Woah oh, oh. It’s a long time to miss me. Woah oh, oh.”

I took a small brief pause before continuing, when a semi-familiar voice spoke, "You have a beautiful voice." I opened my eyes, the two gentlemen where there. I sat up, "Thank you, how has your day been?" I was in a good mood today so I was being very polite, before I go bi-polar on them after they say something to make me mad or something from that sort. They didn't answer, they where in a state of trance for a moment. It was really soft to wear you had to strain your hearing but I heard it loud as day the raven man spoke, "Are you sure?" I had a small eye twitch I wasn't sure of it, BUT I wasn't going to let anything important slip. "I heard that!" They both looked up at me, a bit shocked I heard that comment. The raven man when to sit on the chair by the wall, a weird crouch position. He look concentrated, to then it looked normal, to me it looked like he was taking a concentrated shit in that position.

The elder began, “Miss-” I cut him off >:-) “Call me Variel.” I smiled, and he nodded. He continued, “As you know, yesterday we gave you a packet of tests, are you aware of what the tests where?”  -_- Nooo I didn’t, who does he take me for I’m smarter than the average bear! (//.^) “Mhhmm,” I nodded “I do believe they where the SATS, and an IQ quiz.” He looked pleased that I knew my stuff, and the raven still looked like he was trying to take a dump. “But wait, I want to ask you a question.” He had given me that go ahead look. “What do I call you, is there a name or nickname to address you by?”

“Yes my child…”” What da fuq did he just call me? He continued, “I am Watari.” He paused and look over at the crouching man then said, “and this is L, but do address him as Ryuuzaki.” I was still sitting, absorbing all this information. L or R, yeah I’m probably going to call him R, well he stood up. Hmm funny he’s called L just like the famous detective… WAIT! Oh my god! Is he really?! I had a normal face for about a minute, realization in 3... 2... 1. My face went pale. They knew I knew who he was I didn’t mean to but I shouted “OH MY GOD YOUR-” I had to clamp my hands over my mouth to keep me quiet. “Sorry.. I just, never mind.” L smirked “Hmm so I take it you know who I am.” No not know bi-polar, don’t come now. (sarcastic time.) “Nooo… I just get sooo excited when I meet new people.” I also smirked, after that we went into an epic stare down. After about two minutes of no blinking, just normal creepy no blinking stare down Watari cleared his throat. No joke at the same time completely in sync we said “Yes, what is it Watari?” All three of us shuddered, I lost my mind and all sanity for a moment and started to laugh creepily. I don’t know how long I was at it but when I came to poor Watari looked mortified and L was smiling. “Ermm… Sorry I zone out sometimes.” They both gave me a forgiving look, one I never got or saw from my parents.

Watari spoke up again, “We had suspicions, but we never knew that your level when far beyond than what we expected. We had you take those test and you passed getting a high up rank, I am in charge of a orphanage for talented and special children such as yourself called Wammy's House in England. We would like to have you come and become a successor for L.” He finished, I was happy to find a new place to live away from my parents, but I’ve never been anywhere apart from California. “Okay.” That’s all I could say, they had a troubled look on their faces. “What?”  Watari asked “What is your answer?” I gave them a dumbfucked look, one they didn’t know hehe. “It’s a yes, but I have never traveled, or strayed anywhere further that two hours away from my home.” They understood what I meant. Then next few minutes where filled with chatter of the trip and packing… blah, blah, blah, hamster, cake, and shopping. Then said, they would be back later to have me released, take me home to get anything I needed then shopping for newer better clothing. I didn’t want to be in bed any longer, ten minutes after they left, I got out of bed and left my room. The doctor in charge asked me what I was doing. “I really want to go outside for a few minutes and get some fresh air.” After a few moments of begging he let me, I changed into a pair of clothing the hospital gave me, black skinny jeans, a white tank, and my favorite a Pierce the veil zip up hoodie! (I was wearing my underwear and bra still.) A nurse led me out to an area with a lot of roaming space, I went for a small walk. While coming back I noticed something out of the corner of my eye two small blurs, a white and a black one. I quickly jogged over to where they had fallen and to my surpize…

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