Chapter 9: The Unkindest Cut of All

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Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, Dick Gumshoe, and Come Blo Me Cavalry
Edgeworth's Penthouse, Los Angeles

A quarter of an hour later, there was a knock on the door. Phoenix and Edgeworth were going at it again on one of their ridiculous squabbles while the children watched on as a captive audience, and Hendricks was still playing double agent duty as plumber.

Therefore, the onus was on Gumshoe to open the door. On the other side stood an absolutely striking Latina woman, who appeared to be in her mid to late 30s. Her lithe figure was showcased in a pair of black jeggings, and her white, fitted tank top contrasted beautifully with her tanned olive skin and lustrous, golden-streaked, mahogany hair, which tumbled past her shoulders.

"Buenas noches! Me llamo Eliete, de Come Blo Me," she introduced herself to the police chief in her lilting Cuban accent, shaking his hand with her free one, as her other one was holding a large black plastic travelling case. "¿Se encuentra el Señor Edgeworth?"

The big man stared at the hairdresser for a moment without blinking, suddenly looking completely tongue-tied. Despite being a now happily married man, growing up, he'd always had an inner shyness around attractive women that he had never really outgrown.

"No, Señora, me llamo Gumshoe," he finally managed to utter, rapidly searching his brain to remember his high school Spanish and pointing to himself comically. "Señor Edgeworth está en la sala."

Eliete flashed a pretty, indulgent smile, although he wasn't sure if it was because she was humoring him for his Spanish effort, despite his terrible accent, or just general friendliness. However, either way, it only made the big man's blush further deepen as he let out a nervous high-pitched giggle.

"Por favor entra," he invited awkwardly, closing the door behind her.

The hairdresser placed her case on the floor, her inquisitive dark eyes widening as she took in the scene before her:

- A tiny girl, no more than four, wearing a slightly too large lavender sundress, whose face and hair made her look like a ghost in a stage theaterproduction.

- A slightly older girl next to the ghost child, with electric blue hair so glaringly bright, one almost needed sunglasses to look at her.

- A little platinum blond boy who was presumably Smurfette headed girl's brother, sporting a bowl cut on one side with the other side trimmed so short it looked as though he'd practically been scalped.

- A guapo, spiky-haired hombre trying to successfully wrap an oversized T-shirt around an oily, squirming miniature version of himself on the sofa, with what looked suspiciously like multiple chip clips into some sort of onesie, as it was too large to merely just be used as a diaper.

- A muy bonito, elegant hidalgo in a wine suit, whose good looks were currently marred by the fact that he was shouting so loudly at the man in the blue suit that his furious face was the same colour as his outfit.

"You are unbelievable, Wright! It's inconceivable that you seriously have the gall to be diapering your son with my imported designer, 12-gauge knit Italian cashmere shirt!" The gray-haired man fumed, waving his hands dramatically in the air in a manner that would have made any Italian proud!

"What do you want from my life, Edgeworth?" The black haired man glared back. "It was either I take the first thing your son retrieved for me, or let my toddler run around with no bottoms and risk having an accident on your precious rug!"

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