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Ghirahim stared up at Demise, his heartstring in the larger demon's hand. He was lying on the floor, exhausted after changing to his true form, sword form and then back to true. Demise was studying the glass heart thoughtfully. "You have disappointed me. You were unable to defeat the Skychild. You have made me look weak. And now I am dying. Unfortunately for you," he said, leaning in and hissing. "I'm going to leave a parting gift."


Demise dropped the heart and stood on it, crushing it and grinding his heel down. Ghirahim's soul cried, his inner Omega shocked and upset. He saw Skychild frozen in time next to them, face drawn in a battle cry. Too little, too late.


Ghirahim's eyes widened in horror. Demise's sword was buried in the gem on his chest. Agony ripped through him, making the world go dark. The last thing he heard was Demise's laughter.


Ghirahim watched, fearful.

A man stood above him, red hair glinting.

Ghirahim was in the underbrush of a forest, slowly dying amongst the leaf  litter.

Demise was right.

He was filth.

The man crouched down and looked at him.

Then he chuckled.

It wasn't evil.

Not like Demise.

The very thought of him made Ghirahim want to curl up and cry.

"So you're an unbonded sword spirit, huh?"

It was more of a statement than a question.

"Let's see what we can do about that, hmm?"

The man reached down to Ghirahim.

Ghirahim started panicking.

He was scared, plagued by memories better forgotten.

The man reached and placed his hand on Ghirahim's gem.

The demon's screams rang through the forest.


Ghirahim slowly opened his eyes and took a breath. He was in a cave on his back. He had no energy to move. His chest hurt when he breathed. But he was physical. That thought ran through his mind, shortly before he blacked again.

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