New Beginnings.

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Sheik opened his eyes and got to his knees. The ground seemed farther away than normal. And he was naked, save for a necklace. That was a first. He saw he had a male body. How was that possible? He was the Princess Zelda's alter ego after all.

He heard a voice and looked round. Ganondorf. "You have been separated from the body of the princess due to us believing that your life was unfair, forever being her shadow. We used a husk to contain your soul. The face has changed to be your own, but the rest has not. You are now taller and will have to adjust to a man's body. If you wish, you can stay as a hidden bodyguard. Or, you can choose a different path. It is up to you. We can get you clothes fitted. Do you have any questions?"

Sheik had one. "What is this?" He asked, clutching the necklace.
"That is a heartstring. You know about the Omega/Alpha society, correct? Good. It would appear that you are an Omega. It would be a good idea to tell us, then lock yourself away during your heats. You may gain some... unwanted attention."

Sheik nodded. So he was instinctively submissive. Good to know. He stood up and stretched, then bowing to Ganondorf. "I am ready to serve, my king."

Ganondorf smiled. "Then let's get you some clothes."


Ghirahim breathed in and pain lanced through him, starting from his gem. He weakly moved his hand over it and magically scanned. No pieces missing. Good. Nothing would prevent him from healing fully.

He tried to get up, but fell to his knees.  He couldn't even move without waves of pain hitting him. It took some time, but he managed to crawl over to a wall, raise himself, and get outside. It was nighttime. He looked around and made out the dim silhouette of a forest. The sky was clouded slightly, and he could see a full moon. He took a couple of steps outside, before he realised something. He had no idea where he was.

Where am I? He thought. I have no weapons, my gem is exposed and the only piece of clothing I have is my heartstring, which doesn't really count. He scanned the forest for life with his eyes and decided to take a look around.


It had been several hours. His gem was a pinky-red colour, pain, and the world was spinning around him. He felt nauseous and collapsed.

(Ok, quick thank you to NaomiGamerGirl for helping me write this.)

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