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A/n: this wasn't a request, I know they won't come in for awhile, this is just a one shot I decided to make bc... it's my book xD

Warnings: none, just fluff <3

Bucky x Reader

Y/n hummed softly to herself as she ran her hand through Bucky's long hair, book in hand. He held a tablet in his hand, courtesy of Tony, and silently played candy crush, enjoying the feeling of Y/n's fingers dancing along his scalp, tugging at his long locks oh so gently.
They sat on the couch within the community living room of Stark tower, the others out running errands, training a few floors down, or sleeping in on their day off. Bucky and Y/n had been dating for awhile, about a year or two after she had joined the Avengers team, and the whole 'civil war' fiasco blew over.
Though Tony was still a pain in the ass about it, everyone else welcomed the opposing team with open arms.
Using their telekinesis, Y/n flipped the page in her book, refusing to stop her hand from toying with Bucky's dark locks.
"Y/n?" Bucky questioned, locking the tablet he held in his hands, letting the electronic fall onto his stomach face down as he adjusted his head, dark eyes flicking up to the beautiful girl above him.
She hummed in response, not turning away from her book , but her hand stopped running through his hair, staying in one spot as she massaged his scalp.
"Are you happy with me?" This time, Y/n looked away from her book, brows knitting together as her bright e/c eyes flicked over Bucky's face, eyeing the way his big brown eyes held nothing but seriousness. He was serious about this question, for what reason, Y/n couldn't say.
"What would make you ask something like that?" Y/n half scoffed, and half chuckled, running her hand through his hair once more before she rested her dainty little hand on his forehead, rubbing the creased skin with her thumb.
"I don't know," He glanced away with a sigh, dark eyes watching the glass, leading out to the view of New York's landscape, the sun barely above the buildings high tops, "I just had a thought, you know... what if you'd be happier with someone else?" Bucky shrugged, taken back when Y/n scooted out from underneath his head, standing. She set her book on the coffee table without saying a word, before she made her way into the kitchen "Y/n?" Bucky called to her, raising a brow as he sat up, swinging his legs around so he sat like a normal person, eyeing his girlfriend, who started rummaging through the cabinets.
She didn't seem to find what she was looking for, so she took steady strides towards the stairs, leading up to the balcony, locker rooms, and bathrooms.
Bucky stood abruptly, following Y/n closely, "Doll, what are you doing?" He called to her again, concern starting to lace his words.
Without answering, Y/n stepped into the public bathroom, and pulled open the cabinet, rummaging through the different medicines bottles, until she finally found what she was looking for.
A thermometer.
Pulling the plastic from the piece of equipment, she held it out to Bucky, "Open your mouth and stick this under your tongue." She insisted, Bucky swatting her hands away when she tried to force the thermometer at him.
"I'm not sick." Bucky half heartedly chuckled, as Y/n tried to continuously throw the thermometer into his mouth.
"You might as well be running a fever," Y/n stated, giving up the fight as she held the thermometer up, watching him with soft eyes, "Asking me if I'd be happier with anyone else."
"It was just a question... Sometimes I feel like I'm holding you back from having a normal life."
"Babe," Y/n slid the plastic cover back onto the thermometer before tossing it onto the counter, running a hand through her h/c locks of hair as she gave a sigh, "I work for the Avengers because my life is anything but normal," She loosely wrapped her arms around Bucky's neck, pulling him closer, "You're the only thing in my life that is as close to normal as it can get." She pecked his nose, a soft smile gracing her lips, Bucky giving a sheepish grin at her confession.
"You sure?" Bucky questioned, his metal arm snaking around her waist while the other rested on the counter.
"Just shut up already." Y/n chuckled, pulling Bucky into short and soft, yet passionate kiss. Pulling away, Y/n shook her head with a laugh before brushing past Bucky, leaving the bathroom.
"Where are you going?" Bucky called, watching as Y/n headed for the stairs. She just glanced to him, sending a wink his way before descending to the lower floor.
"Back to our bedroom," Y/n called back before adding, "Want to join me?"

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