Chapter One.

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"Claire?" I heard my mom whispered softly on the door with a light knock, "Claire... hun?"

"Hmm..?" I mumbled, still with my eyes shot closed and burying my face in the pillow.

"Time to wake up sweetheart, you're gonna be late for school," Mom said as I heard her footsteps making its way on my bed.

I sat to face mom and her usually sweet and kind aura shifted into a concerned one, "You've been crying all night again," she said softly, pertaining about the puffiness in my eyes and memories about last night flashed in the back of my mind. "Sweetie, it's been 3 months since Luke and you broke up, I think it's time to move on," she said carefully.

I bit my lip and softly answered, "I'm trying mom," I half-smiled, "I'm okay mom, really," I managed to say knowing that not half of it was true. I wasn't okay.

"I'm just worried about my little girl," She frowned while pulling me into a hug, softly running her fingers through my hair which I adore as I feel security and love when she's doing it.

I pulled away from her, "Don't worry about me mom, I don't want to be a burden to you, you know? I'm fine, really," I smiled, reassuring her, when I can't even assure myself if I am really okay.

She sighed, "Fine," she stood up and made her way to the door, "Start preparing now, okay? I'll cook breakfast downstairs, you don't want to be late for school,"

"Yes momma," and she closed the door behind her. I lightly fixed my bed and made my way to the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror as I stepped in. I look like a mess. I have puffy eyes from nonsense crying last night and my hair was tangled and went all over the place. I have bags under my eyes that I swear wasn't there before but now they're greenish-violet screaming to my face. I started to undress myself and turned on the warm shower to soak my body and drift my thoughts away.


I wasn't really feeling going to school today. Well, everyday, ever since Luke and I broke up. I just want to lock myself in my bedroom, and curl myself in my duvet and sulk 'til want to. As much as I want it to happen, it can't. I have to face the sad reality that I have school and there's still a huge chance that I will be bumping or seeing Luke somewhere since we go to the same school.

I remembered the first week that we broke up. I was so mad, and so broken. I was disappointed like, really disappointed on him. No one could get me out of my bedroom, even my mom. I ate little because I have no appetite which made me lose alot of weight. I would cry every night, endlessly thinking that all those late night talks with Luke will be long gone. He was my first love, my first boyfriend, and also my bestfriend. I can't accept the fact that he no longer wants to be with me. From that day, I felt that a piece of my heart went missing and I was completely lost, I became desiderium.

"Claire!" Belle shouted from across the hall that made me jumped lightly. I snapped out of my thoughts as I watch her as her boots loudly made its way to my position. "You look so... not like you," she said while eyeing me suspiciously.

I rolled my eyes, "It's nice to see you too, Belle," I laughed lightly as the bell rang and I drag her down the hall to make our way to our first class.


"Okay class, you're gonna make an essay today," Mrs. Smith announced and whole class started to whine. Who enjoys writing essays? Well not me.
For me, it's just their excuse for not feeling well about teaching today's topic. It's the way to keep the students busy instead of just chit-chatting and wasting their time. "The topic will be 'broken'. It can be an incident like when you broke your arm, broke your toy when you were a kid, you name it. I don't wanna give too much clues. You'll pass your paper whether you're finished or not. You have an hour,"

Broken, I thought to myself. There were so
many things running to my mind right now, I can't choose of what to fill my paper but I'm pretty sure and you know it by now about what I'm gonna write... Luke.

I grabbed my yellow pad and decided to make a draft first incase I make a mistake or I want to change something. I'll just transfer it to a new one once I'm done.

Minutes later, I'm still writing. I'm pouring all
my thoughts and feelings in a piece of paper, things that left me broken. I'm in the momentum of writing and as my hand quickened filling the space word by word, my pencil's lead broke.

"Damn it," I cursed to myself. This is the only pencil I have because most of them disappeared like magic. I turned to Belle to ask for one so that I can finish my essay in time.

"Belle, do you have an extra pencil? I broke mine, and I have none left," I whispered.

She turned her head to me, "Sorry Claire, this is the only pencil I have too," and went back to do her work. Great, I will not be able to finish mine without a pencil and I have a half hour to go, Mrs. Smith is gonna kill me big time.

I have no choice but turn my head to my left and there seating beside me who I believe his name is Greyson Chance. We haven't really had a conversation with each other though we're classmates in a few more classes. He's shy and quiet and he rarely talks to anyone in this room and he has a small circle of friends.

"Hey," I whispered and gently tap his arm and he flinched. "I'm sorry to interrupt you but, do you have an extra pencil? I badly need to finish my essay right now and the only thing I need is a pencil," I desperately asked.

"Ye-yeah, s-sure," Greyson nervously and rapidly digged into his backpack and few moments later he finally pulled out a pencil, "Here y-you go,"

I smiled, "Thank you," and finished my essay before the bell rang.

Desiderium - A Greyson Chance StoryWhere stories live. Discover now