Chapter Two.

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"...You know what, she can be very annoying! Like, she flirts with every guy here in school, Claire? Claire!" Belle shouted at my face while lightly hitting my head with a book, "Are you even listening?" You can hear people 'hushing' because of Belle's behavior.

I shoot all of them an apologetic smile and turned to her, "I'm sorry Belle, I'm trying to finish last night's homework," I sighed as I continued answering. This is harder than I thought.

"You should've said instead of making me like a complete idiot thinking that I have someone talking with," She smirked and I rolled my eyes at her. We are at the library right now and my next class will be Chemistry. Belle and I don't share class this time.

I glanced into my pencil case and I saw Greyson's pencil lying there, "Oh, I forgot to return this to him," I said while analyzing the thing and there I saw his name engraved on the wood. I laughed to
myself, why would a grown up boy like him still prefers to label his stuffs?

"Who's 'him'?" Belle asked her eyes glued on her phone. Probably checking on Instagram for hot boys and all that jazz.

"Uhh, Greyson?" I answered like a complete idiot, "Greyson Chance, you know?"

"You finally managed to have a conversation with him huh," She turned to face me this time, "He can be very weird, shy.. I don't know, intimidating sometimes maybe?"

There goes the judgemental Belle that she always has been, "I think he's nice," I simply answered as I gathered and fixed my things for my next class.

"If you say so, Claire," She let out a small laugh as we made our way out of the library to go to our next classes.


Class is finally over, and I had Chemistry and French for my last 2 subjects and both of them I have Greyson as my classmate. Each time, I can feel him staring at me like, you know he would look for me, then look away, them look at me again in various moments. I got annoyed one time at French class and I just had the urge to ask him if there's something wrong with my face, politely of course, and he said no. I thought after that he would stop but he still kept constantly glancing at me.

Maybe Belle was right, he can be weird and intimidating sometimes.

As I was walking back home, I saw someone who I swear is the last person I don't ever wanna see right now, and it was Luke, with Zach and Jared along with him.

I quickly turned my away from them and quickened my pace and before I knew it I bumped in to someone else.

"Ohhp-" I squeaked as I fell down the cold pavement, with my papers flying and school supplies scattered everywhere.

"Claire!" A familiar voice echoed in to my ears until my vision went pitch black.


"Owww," I slowly opened my eyes and searched my surroundings. This isn't my bedroom, I thought. I managed myself to sit but I winced in pain. My head hurts like hell.

"So, you're finally awake," I turn to my left to see a boy that I just had a conversation earlier this day.

"Greyson!" I squealed, much to my amusement, "Is this your room? What am I doing here? What time is it though?"

He let out a small chuckle, "Calm down," he was obviously surprise by my reaction, "I kinda bumped in to you and you went unconscious,"

"Oh," I simply said, "Well, I must be going now, thank you for the headache though," Little rude, I know.

"Let me usher you downstairs," He simply said.

"Oh Grey, so your friend' finally up huh," A woman with a long brunette hair welcomed us, I assume this is his mom.

"Well yea," Greyson scratched the back of his head, "And she was just about to go home,"

"We'll be having dinner soon, mind if you stay for a little while?" His mom asked with a sweet smile.

"Pardon me, Mrs. Chance, but my mom is probably waiting for me at this hour," I apologized.

She nodded, "Okay then, well take care, sweetie. You're more welcome here anytime," and she turned to Greyson, "Be back ASAP, okay? Your brother and sister will be home tonight, we'll be having dinner together as a whole family,"

"Yes mum," He simply answered and made our way to their door.

As soon as we went out, the cold air welcomes me and the sun's about to go down.

"Let me walk you home," Greyson snapped out of my thoughts.

"No thanks, I can manage myself," I said, "Thanks for taking care of me, really, and your mom's nice,"

"I insist," he said and I just shrugged and made our way to the direction where my house is.

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