maid - eight

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a/n: so yah this is the one before the last one and uh.... idk, i like this one :D there won't be any smut, cos i already have LOTS of that in my imagines, like 5/7 imagines are with smut so :D hehe oh and uh this part is like the 2nd part to the 7th part, but separated and with a smol time skip (gif is not mine, as all the others :D) btw the reader is very very VERY happy in this chapter, as j is, just warning ya. and i know that joker isn't like this with his lady, but this is an imagine, so fuck reality :D

characters: joker, reader

warnings: none :) but if slightly cheesy joker counts, then that's it :D

We landed with a helicopter on a small island with the ocean watering its shore. A few henchmen stayed with us, holding our bags as the heli flew away, causing strong wind to rise. The bottom of my dress was flowing around, tickling my legs. J got closer to me, taking a hold of my cheek, pulling my face up to his.

"We're here, baby doll," he spoke with a slight smile on his lips, "we're here." He said and kissed my lips, with the wind blowing around our bodies. I smiled against his skin, putting my arms around his neck making his lips sink deeper onto mine.

"I'm cold." I said after pulling away, breathless.

"Let's go then, doll." He spoke, taking my hand in his. We walk up the sanded beach and are met with a large house, with the reachable wall made only of windows. It had two floors total, as I saw in the semi-darkness, and it was large.

J noticed me staring at it and chuckled.

"Do you like it?" He asked in my ear.

"Yes, it looks amazing! All for us?"

"Yes, angel, my boys have another house just next door to us. It will be just the two of us in our house." He said and I smiled. This was going to be one wonderful vacation.

Once we headed inside with our bags, J's henchmen went to their house and me and J were alone. He turned me to face him when in the bedroom and kissed me. I smiled against his lips and slid my hand into his hair, despite my tiredness. J ran his hand up my leg, under my dress, giving me a strong hint of what he had in mind now. I placed my palm over his hand and pulled my lips from his.

"I'm tired, J," I said honestly, "sorry." J growled at my response with a calm face. "But we will have lots of time for that tomorrow and the rest of our vacation."

"Yes." J purred, dragging out the 's' sound. "But do you like it here?"

"So far - yes." I said, yawning after. "Let's just go to sleep, alright?" I stroked his cheek with my fingertips and he nodded. We both changed into comfier clothes, him wearing only sweatpants and I took his white shirt as a night gown. Soon enough, I was sound asleep in the arms of a tense Joker, but he fell asleep soon after me.

I woke up with light shining in my eyes and a green head on my chest. J was asleep, breaths leaving his mouth in a calm rhythm. I smiled to myself and looked out the window. It was a beautiful view of the ocean with the sun shining above, no clouds in the sky. It felt so peaceful.

I put my hand in his hair, caressing the roots gently, slowly, so he wouldn't wake up. Mornings with me waking up before him were rare occasions. He always had business to do early in the mornings. But now that he's on holiday, he had no business to do. Not in the mornings, not ever in a while.

Now that I thought of it, he never told me how long this vacation will be lasting. Two weeks? Three? A month? Maybe more? That's one thing I had to ask him.

As I was staring out the window, thinking of what we could do today, I felt J shift around on me. I stopped my hand movements, my hand freezing and J groaned.

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