request - part 1

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"take her, frost, just take her." the green-eyed man growled in the radio. he saw frost put the radio away and take the girl's arm, taking her from the restaurant table. joker saw the confusion and anger in her eyes as frost took her through the room filled with tables and chairs.

he smirked in satisfaction at the girl's protests when frost put her in the backseat of their car. he shut the door and locked it before quickly making his way to the driver's seat and driving away from the restaurant.

"hey, let me out!" the girl banged on the door and front seats, which annoyed joker a tiny bit. "who are you people? where are you taking me? what the fuck do you want from me?"

"you better watch your mouth, sweetheart." joker snarled. "or it will get worse for you."

"wh-what?" the girl stuttered. worse for me? oh my god, he... they must know about... no, oh my god, no, no, no! this can't be happening. how did they find out? nobody knows about me.

y/n slumped back in her seat and huffed. there's no point in yelling and thrashing around now, y/n. should've ran when you had the chance. now it was clear what they wanted from her.

joker noticed y/n being quiet and looked in the mirror to see what she was doing. she was calmly sitting in her seat, looking out the black matted window. the passing lights perfectly illuminated her face, accenting her cheekbones.

soon, the car came to a stop and y/n was being pulled out of the car. she totally gave in her body being pushed and pulled, she knew what she would do. exactly nothing.

"take her to the basement, i'll be down in a minute. you know what to do." joker said to frost, who nodded. he brought y/n down the stairs to the basement and tied her legs and arms to a chair.

he left y/n with her head hanging low, but she soon heard footsteps coming down the stairs again. she raised her head and saw none other than the man with the green hair, from the car. she sighed. another time without any point.

he walked to the basement's corner and took a chair for himself, dragging it across the floor and placing it in front of y/n. he sat down and bent over to get closer to the girl.

"hello, sweetcheeks." he spoke, purring. y/n didn't say anything and joker pouted. "i've heard your name is y/n. is that correct?"

still, the girl was silent. joker got a bit irritated and took her chin between his fingers, bringing her face up. she looked at him with disgust.

"listen, sweets. either you're gonna speak up or we will take this through the hard way." he growled. "what do you say?" joker asked, leaning very close to y/n's face. whatever, let's give him the small info.

"yes, that's my name." she said. joker smiled.

"lovely! now, do you know why you're here?" he stood up and walked behind y/n.



"and why am i here?" y/n asked as she heard the man go through some metals things.

"oh, i thought you knew."

"i do know, but do you?"

"well," joker said, coming closer to y/n. "i've heard you... go off sometimes in a while. right?"

y/n snarled, but otherwise kept quiet.

"that's what i thought." joker said. "now, i find you... going off quite intriguing and also useful."

"congratulations." y/n said. "and what exactly are you planning to do about it?"

"i want.." joker trailed off, showing y/n two electricity cabels. " test it out." electricity, wow. he had basically guessed her... thing. y/n laughed at him.

"fantastic, can't wait." she said. that made joker slightly confused, but it didn't stop him from putting the cabels on y/n's wrists. he went behind her back again and she heard a switch being flicked. she felt exactly nothing, only a little tingle. when she looked down at her hands, there were sparkles around them.

joker increased the power of the switch and y/n felt something more than a tingle in her wrists. as the man turned the switch even further, y/n started to moan in pain, and then the moans became screams.

he fixated the switch on the most high level and walked back to y/n. he watched her writhe and shake for a while and then leaned down to her face.

"c'mon, baby, go wild." he said, but y/n didn't give a care about it. nothing is going to happen tonight, asshole. "spark up for me."

nothing happened that night. joker tried everything and anything, but to no avail. y/n wouldn't do anything, not for money, not for some asshole's fun or business.

"take her to her house. she wasn't the one." joker said to frost.

"but sir, aren't you always right?" frost asked. "she has to be the one."

"but she's not." joker growled. "do as i said."

as frost got y/n out of the house - or y/n's unconscious body rather - a few vases and plates were flying against the house walls. but i'm always right...

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