Deadly Mistake

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CHAPTER 18 - Deadly Mistake

I woke up that next morning after a restless sleep. I was plagued by nightmares and odd images of a little girl. Much like the description of the one Cole brought to West Wood. I looked next to me to make sure Cole was still there. He was.

I sat up on the bed and looked out the window. I felt a little better, but still felt miserable. I starting coughing and Cole sat up next to me and rubbed my shoulder. I didn't remember much from last night, except drinking that horrible tasting liquid. Whatever it was, it was helping. My cough seemed a little dryer.

"Darlin', do you want somethin' to eat?" Cole asked after he kissed my forehead. I shook my head for no, I hadn't eaten anything since he left to go get my medicine. Except for a bowl of soup Lucy made for me. 'Lucy.' Sadness ripped through me like a knife. My eyes were beginning to water and Cole put his arm around me.

"What's wrong?" he asked with his comforting voice. I looked at him and told him about Sam and Lucy. I thought he might already know, but he didn't. "Cassidy, Luke got you and Lucy mixed up. I almost killed John yesterday because I thought you were dead." I was shocked, and a little flattered. That wasn't exactly a compliment, but he just admitted he'd kill someone if something happened to me. I decided I would take it as a compliment anyways.

I leaned against the wood headboard and twirled my hair around my finger. Cole lay on his side, facing me. I had to ask the question that popped in my head. It just wouldn't go away. "Cole?" I said his name without looking at him.

"Hmm?" He replied while studying my face. I waited a few seconds before continuing.

"When you thought... I was dead, what was goin' through your mind?" I could see the grief that flashed across his face, but quickly faded.

"Cassie, I don't wanna think about that ever again." He got out of bed and put his boots on. I thought I had made him mad until he turned to me and said, "I'm gonna get you somethin' to eat. You will eat, even if I have to force feed you."

He gave me his crooked grin and a wink, then left the room. That image brought back memories. It took me back to the first time I saw him. I got tingly all over just thinking about it. I looked down at my hands and saw how bony and pale they'd become. That ended the tingles.

Cole came back about half an hour later. He brought me some chicken soup and bread. He also got me some coffee. I hadn't had coffee in a long time. I didn't want to eat at first, but Cole was very persuasive. When I was done, he took my bowl and cup, and set them on the table next to the small vanity on the opposite side of the room.

Cole sat in the chair that was next to the window. He raised the window and pulled out a cigarette. He looked even sexier smoking. I didn't know why, but he just looked so masculine and... I pushed the thoughts out of my mind. Then I remembered the rest of last night. I giggled at the thought and he looked at me. He smiled, but never said anything. He was watching something through the window while he smoked, and I was content watching him.

"Why did you... um.. refuse me.. last night?" I asked with my cheeks flushing. He didn't look at me at first, but he was smiling. He finally cut his eyes at me, then looked back to the window.

"I didn't want you to do somethin' you might've regretted."

'Why in the hell would I regret that?' I thought to myself. I made a confused face and he continued, "I didn't want to take advantage of your... slight reaction to the medicine." He looked at me and smiled.

"What if it wasn't the medicine?" He looked at me hard for a few seconds, as if I'd surprised him.

"Then we can talk about it later." He said while thumping his cigarette out the window. I started coughing again. He got up and came to the bed. He sat on the edge and rubbed my back while I coughed. I didn't think I was ever going to stop so I could breathe. When I finally did, I looked up at him and lay my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me and kissed my head.

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