Chapter 4

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hii i have chapter 4 here for you guys! i hope you like it! please vote, comment and or FAN if you like:) enjoy!!

Chapter 4

Moira poked me and pointed to the huge fountain in the middle of the mall. "Remember last time when you gave those guys a Karate-punch?" She asked grinning. A few boys curiously looked in my direction as I turned scarlet. One of them asked, "what did she do?" Which was all Moira needed to start the entire story.

"Well," she started, "we where here last year on a grand shopping spree during summer holidays and we walked by the fountain when we spotted two boys who where sitting hand in hand, it looked so cute! They where totally happy and in love with each other. Until a group of big football players came along and started making hurtful remarks, which I shall not repeat.

"She looked mad for a moment before continuing." The two gay guys obviously wanted to leave, but one of the other guys pushed them so hard they fell on the ground, an other guy then spitted at them, so gross! Well, that's when Alyana thought they went to far, she marched up to the boys steaming with rage and helps the two boys up on their feet and asks them if they are alright. Then she turned around to face the football guys and asked why they where bothering innocent people. The biggest guy was standing in front of her like this, she mimicked the stand, arms crossed.

"Moira looked at the listening boys with twinkles in her eyes and they where absorbing every word she was saying. A smile appeared as she continued. "The boys answered that those 'filthy gays' should 'ruin the view' somewhere else with their unnatural and vial behaviour. And my girl here got mad! Most people of our school know, but you guys don't." Moira abruptly stopped the story. The listening boys looked at her, confused. "Alyana has a brother whom is gay, so she was also hurt by their mean remarks. Alexei quickly glanced in my direction and I turned scarlet, again.

"Well, Alyana first asked, while fuming in rage if they could leave these two boys alone, but the group just started laughing at her. Then one of them said something disgusting. He only said if you will come and 'play' with all of us, I don't have to tell you what he meant by that. As answer Alyana kicked him so fast and so hard that they didn't know what happened when he fell to the floor, moaning.

We- the other girls- stood right beside and behind her as a guard for the boys. Then she pushed her bag in to one of the boys hands and swore that she knew how to find them if they dared to run away with her stuff, "Moira told grinning. I interrupted her amusement with an 'Yes, well, what else should I have done'? Those bags where really important there where new books and very expensive drawing equipment in them! "I frowned my eyebrows indignantly, Moira and Chelsa laughed at my face. Moira continued.

"When Aly was looking at the football boys again she asked with a cold voice, which gave me the chills, what the bastard had said. The boys grinned with stupid grins on their face and repeated the "question". Aly's answer was loud and clear. Over my dead body. 'Would you guys leave now, before someone gets injured. They where stupid enough to ask who would become injured? Well, she said, you guys for example! 'She threw her leg up in the air where it collided with the chin of one of the football boys, his head cocked back and he fell to the floor. 'Who else wants some' she asked in a sweet voice with clenched fists.

Well, the boys didn't know how fast to leave. When the boys where out of sight we where thanked and we went our separate ways." Moira grinned. "I do find it weird no one else did something when those two got harassed Moira said with frowned eyebrows.

"It was really not social that no one else did something I mumbled. "Gay people have feelings, just like anyone else, " I heard Chelsa say. Alexei was deeply in thought. Then Chelsa asked shamelessly "And what do you guys think about gay people?" There was a uncomfortable silence and the boys looked at each other uneasily until one of them said, "I have a friend who is gay. At first, I had no idea what to do with it, however he just remained my friend. It's not as if he changed all of a sudden. It also helps he doesn't fancy me in that way, "he said with a grin on his face." I looked at the boy more closely. He was kind of cute. Blonde hair, grey-blue eyes, straight teeth and a nice smile with a dimple, he had great mussles. I returned the smile.

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