The end part 1

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    I woke up to hear somthing flying above.There was this constent thunp thump thump sound. I got up from my bed half naked.My vision was still blurry from sleep.So I fumbled through my drewer next to my bed and I acidently knock my digital clock down.
     As I finnaly find my black glasses from my drewer and I put them on.I Sighed, and I tryed to move my body.But my body felt heavy from last night partying.I get off my bed with my bonner sticking out and went to the window.I looked outside to see spec ops flying above.There was a military base nerby so it was common to see them flying above.But today was different today there was hundreds of them flying in the morning sky.They filled the morning sky like crows flying above.Weird I wandered what the fuck is happening.I picked my clock from the floor half especting to be broken.As I inspect the clock I look at the time.It was 7:21am well shit im late for school I thought.I runed to my drewers I started to go through them.
   I got dressed in black jeans and a black hoodie and grabed my back pack it aint much what im wearimg and I dont really care about that I only care about getting to school on time. I cant take any more detentions because In late so I run down the stairs.Which led to the living room.I could hear the buzz of the telavision.I saw my mom on the couch sleeping I give her a kis good bye.Then I hear the television saying the state is under state alert.I look at the women on the tv.Then she says the nation under state alert after there were multiple mass histeryia outbreaks.Few states declared state marshal after the out breaks.
   If you see somone with these systems in the list down below.Get away from them.As soon as possible.
*shortness of breath
*bites bruses etc
*try to attack you
   Then I walk to my mom and grab the controler that was next to her.I press the button to turn off the tv.Then I think mas hesteria that is so stupid.
    probably a goverment cover up or somthing as usaul.So I open the door and start running towards the school I could feel the icy air touching my skin.Making me shiver in the breez.My school aint far from were I live its down 20 blocks and you turn left down 15 blocks.But it feels like an enternaty as the cold icy grip grabs me.
   I hear the thump thumps sound coming from above me.I look at the sky and to see spec ops flying low overhead.Weird as im running the helicopters flys towards my school.Then it decends upon  the roof of my school.strange I thought what the hell is going on.As I get near the front entrence I see two us soldiers.Standing guard at the front entrence.Somthing is defenitly is up.Of course dimwit why would there be soldiers at the front entrence being on guard but I still felt a bit curious on whats going on.
   So I climbed the steps of the school entrence in which the two soldiers were guarding.I went to press a button next to the door.Then I hear a buzz and hear a voice saying identification please.
   Weird useally theres a woman who says reason of being late or why your there.I thought then I say  im student Jose Perez.Wait a minute the voice of the other end of the intercome said.
   Then I hear a click sound.I pushed the door open and I entered the see the hallways empty.At this time there were some bullys shacking up money from the coward nerd kiwerThen I thought whats really going on.Well wtf this more questiones no answers.
   Anyways I should get going to get into my class.Since im freaking late for class.
   I walked up the stairs of the school to the second floorand I went down the hall fith door down.In which I finnaly got to my classroom.Then I knocked on the door *knock*knock*knock*.

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