The rude partner

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Ramona's Point Of View
I was in the living room with Eddie, my partner from school. We have to make a science project but the thing is he hates everyone. Including me. I don't know why my teacher picked him, out of all people, to be my science partner and guess what we have to keep the same science partners for the whole year. My life is over. I was sitting on the couch with Eddie when I heard a noise in the kitchen, thinking it was just mom I didn't say anything about it or acknowledge it. I kept working with Eddie. "So, how is your life going?" I asked Eddie trying to have a conversation but that obviously failed since he didn't answer me. I sighed and kept working. He did too.
May's Point Of View
Mom and I came in through the back door. "Sh." Mom said to Me. We went upstairs to Ramona's room. I put my stuff in the room and walked back to the kitchen. Mom opened the door and went to the living room. "I have a surprise for you." Mom said excitedly. I was still in the kitchen. "What is it this time?" Ramona asked knowing that Mom wasn't good at giving gifts. I saw a boy I didn't know. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He looked older then Ramona. He was sitting on the couch. "Come out May." Mom said happily. I opened the door to the kitchen. "Hi Ramona." I said smiling. Ramona stood up and ran to me and hugged me. "Thanks mom." Ramona said. "You're welcome." Mom said. "How have you been May?" Ramona asked. "Good. You?" I said. "Great. I met the most cutest boy. Maybe living here won't be that bad." Ramona said and smiled. "Who's that?" I asked pointing to the boy on the couch. "Oh he is my partner for a project." Ramona said in a bored tone. I smiled and looked at Eddie. "Hi." I said. "Hey." He said glaring at me. I stopped smiling and looked at Ramona. She didn't notice what Eddie was doing. "Did I interrupt your guys studying?" I asked. "No, it's alright." Ramona said. I smiled and sighed in relief. Mom smiled and went to the kitchen secretly eavesdropping on our conversation thinking we didn't notice.
Ramona's Point Of View
I sat down on the couch. "So I hear you have made a new dance. I wanna see it." I said smiling. "Well I don't know if I can." May said teasing Me. "Pleaseeee?" I asked dragging out the e. "Fine. Fine." May said and chuckled. "Yay." I said and clapped my hands while smiling. May and I picked the little coffee table up and moved it to the side struggling a little bit. I smiled and sat down on the arm of the couch while May put music on. Eddie just stared at us. May started to dance.

I smiled. "That was amazing." I said. "Tha -" May was about to say thanks but Eddie cut her off and sighed. "Can we please do the project?" He asked me. "Fine. Let's go to my room and do it." I said and grabbed May's hand and walked upstairs. Eddie sighed and followed us. "We will be right back just go in my room and wait." I said and opened the door to my room. Eddie went in. We went to Tommy's room and shut the door. We didn't know that the baby monitor was on.
--------------------------------------------------------When Ramona shut the door I looked at her. "You friend is rude." I said. "I know and he's not really my friend. He like hates everyone." Ramona said. "Why did you pick him for the project then?" I asked. "I didn't, the stupid teacher did." Ramona said. I nodded my head understanding.
--------------------------------------------------------Kimmy's Point Of View
I walked i walked to the fridge and got the stuff out and put it in the pan. I heard Ramona and May talking on the baby monitor and walked to it. I sighed and turned it off then started to bake cookies. I heard someone walk down the stairs. It was Eddie. "Hello Eddie." I said smiling. "Hi." Eddie said and waved.
May's Point Of View
I sighed and walked to the door. I was about to turn the knob. "Wait." Ramona said. "What?" I asked turning around. "Why did you say Eddie was rude? You just met him." Ramona said. "I saw the looks that he gave me went I came in her oblivious didn't like me and the excuse to do your guys project was just to get away from me." I said. "Huh?" Ramona asked confused. "Never mind. You can't read through the lines can you?" I stated more than asked. I opened the door and started to walk downstairs. I saw Eddie and Mom talking. I didn't say anything and went to the table. A few minutes later Ramona walked in. "Oh, there you are." Ramona said referring to Eddie. "Yeah here I am." He said sarcastically. "Come on let's go to my room to finish the project." She said. Eddie nodded his head. Ramona skipped upstairs to her room. Eddie followed her. "What's up honey?" Mom asked me when they left. "Nothing. It's just that nothing is like they use to be. Ramona has friends who I don't know, we are in a new house, Dad's gone, and everything is just different." I said and looked away. "Oh honey." Mom said. She took the oven mitts off and walked to me. She hugged her and rubbed her arm. "Everything will be ok." Mom said. "I know." I said and smiled. I hugged Mom back and smiled. After a few minutes Mom let go. I stood up and went to the kitchen door. I opened it and saw Eddie walking out.
Ramona's Point Of View
I walked upstairs with Eddie. I sat on my bed and started to work on the project. Eddie just sat there watching me. I sighed. "Are you going to help or just it there?" I asked. "You're annoying." Eddie mumbled. "What no I'm not. If anything you are the annoying one." I argued. He got up and opened the door to me room a disappeared down the stairs. A few minutes later May came to my room. "Hi." I said while working on the project. "Hey." May said. "Where is Eddie at?" May asked. "He left." I said. "See I told you he doesn't like me." May said. "He said he would come back tomorrow but he is probably gonna do the same time again and we will never get the project done." I said. Mom called us downstairs. We went downstairs. Mom made cookies for us. We smiled and sat around the table talking and eating the cookies.
Thanks for reading. Please tell me if you liked this. I would really appreciate it.

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