Friend who cares

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Geography is finally over. The lesson was so boring. I sat next to David, who is okay. He has many friends, but he is not that arrogant populair kid. Those popular kids are so predictable. They always seek attention or they have to ask those stupid questions. Like: Why do we have to do this. I mean, nothing betters to do? I'm putting my earphones in my phone and I decide to listen to my own play-list, which is overwhelmed with depressive songs. I walk towards the library, cause Tyler sits there, according to him then. I've been wondering since the lesson what he wants to say or ask. I walk towards the library and I see him. He sits alone in a corner. I join him. After 10 seconds, Tim occurred behind us. He wants to borrow a book. But either way, Tyler begins to talk about her. He says that she's so cool and that she deserved a better life. Everyone says that, but I'm wondering whether they mean it. But then he said something, what twisted my stomach. He asked me about her death. I know how it happened, but if I say it, I need to cry. But I told him, cause everyone already knows how it happened. I begin to talk. I told him everything. Sophia told her parents that she wanted to eat something else. So she asked her parents to get her a pizza. They drove to the New York pizza, while she grabbed a knife and slit her wrists. Two minutes before that occurred, she sent me a message with the words: 'I love you and I'll miss you'. I knew that there was something wrong with that. I tried to call her, but nobody picked up the phone, so I decided to call her parents. They went home immediately, when they heard the news from me. They found her, dead and lying on her bed. Their parents were hurt and I was hurt too. Like I lost all control I had. I couldn't feel anything, like I was emotionless. I lay in bed all day. Crying. I saw that he didn't know what to react on this. The only thing he said was: 'Wow, that must've been heavy'. He smiled at me, so I smile back. The bell rings. Tyler and I aren't in the same class. We both have other schedules too. But he has to go to the second floor and I have to go there too. We walked together upstairs and everyone looked at us like we were a couple or something. They began to whistle and whisper too. I felt embarrassed and walked as fast as I could to the class. He has lesson in room 205 and I have lesson in room 217. We greeted each other and we exchanged phone numbers. Melanie and her gang stood already there. I walked to Melanie and we talked, but our conversation got interrupted. The teacher came and we had to be quiet, cause other students were making exams. We walked into class and I'm sitting alone, because Sophia always sat next to me. There was still an empty sit next to Gabriel, but I don't like him. We got into a fight 2 months ago, he cussed and said that I don't belong in this society, bla bla bla. The lesson didn't last long, so before I even knew, the bell rang. I ran outside. The break is here again. I checked my phone and I saw a message of Tyler. He asked me whether I can come to the library. I walked to the library. He sat at the same place. He went to his table. I grabbed a chair and sat there with him. He started to talk. He felt so sorry that he didn't react 'normal'. He didn't say that he can imagine what I'm going through, cause he understands that I get a kind of crazy of that, cause no one can. He only said that he'll always there for me and that I even can call in the middle of the night, if I need him. I'm so happy and I hug him spontaneously. He hugged me back. It felt so good and right. For one time, I felt that all my worries and thoughts were gone. Nothing happened after that. It was awkward and weird at the same time, but it's not that we didn't enjoy it, or something like that. We changed the subject to something else. We suddenly talked about grades, boy/girlfriends and more. We even played 'would you rather', one of my favorite games. We decided to meet after school. I looked forward to it. And the times goes so fast, cause suddenly, I stand there with him. In that same cozy mall where I was with Sophia once. I got flashbacks. But I don't care. I can finally tell him things. I can finally be with a friend who really cares about me. Sometimes, I thank God that this happens to me. But we decided to go to a good cafe, so we could talk about school, families and more. We had so much fun. Time went fast again. I'm home. I think about the nice day I had. I see the letter, which has a special place at my desk. I still have to 'accomplish' that assignment. I read the letter and see the next name. My eyes are beginning to hurt if I see that name. Freddie. He hurt us. Sophia and I were at school, when he dropped his milkshake on us, which made my hair messy. But he did it on purpose too. After that, he thought that bullying is cool. That it wouldn't hurt people. Some people are sensitive, I don't know why people don't get that. Some people are more vulnerable than others. Everyone's different. I text Tyler, cause he already knows that i'm doing this. He says that I have to do what I want. This is a hard decision. I don't want to get hurt again. I brush my teeth, change and lie in bed. I have to sleep. Tomorrow I'll think about this. Not now. Not on this nice day. I'm falling asleep with a good feeling. Finally someone in my life who really cares about my life.

~To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2017 ⏰

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