Chapter 13

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Yin has a terrible fever the day after she had saved Nui and the poison running through every fiber of her body. Nightmares plague her in her fever dream and make her restless, she continuously rolls around in her bed with sweat beading on her forehead. Whenever Yin woke up, she would be delirious and drinking a lot, and not just water. Nui turns up every other hour at the infirmary, checking whether or not Yin was doing any better. With irregular intervals, Yin wakes up and falls back asleep again, groaning in pain as the poison feeds on her body. Nui sits beside her, putting strips of cold, wet cotton on her forehead to ease her headache. A worried frown is always present on her small, olive coloured forehead while watching over Yin.

In the Tékaguó Empire, during the Xian-Dynasty, females with fair skin were favored, as well as women with small posture and small hands and feet. As such, Nui and Yin both were plain women, Nui has the small posture, but the colour of her skin likens that of a farmer. Yin, who had stayed inside for over a year, has the fair skin of a lady of high birth, but her length makes her stick out like a sore thumb... and yet, here they were, inside the Imperial palace, about to marry to the Emperor.  

The physician tries the best he can, but rare poison means rare antidote, especially when the ingredients ofr the antidote are located in the far west of the Wastes. Time is short and he has to hurry, because if he doesn't find an antidote soon, Yin will succumb to it. However, her body seems to handle the effects quite well, just like the last time she was poisoned. It almost seems as if she were resistant to poison, even though a female of low birth should not have to worry about being poisoned by their enemies. Nui comes by often, checking whether or not Yin was doing any better.Usually nothing had changed, but this time, Yin is fully awake and no longer pestered by nightmares. Nui sits by her side, trying to calm her down, but to no avail.

"No! I ain't takin' that rubbish the old man's offered me! Scary stuf happens inside the palace, don't you know?" Yin stubbornly answeres Nui's pleas to take the antidote. Nui, who is just as stubborn as Yin is, continues arguing with her. When she's finally had enough, Nui picks up the vial herself and uncorks the small glass container. They continue arguing for a while and currently, Nui is practically trying to force the content of the vial and the thing itself down Yin's throat. Yin, however, is not making it easy for her by running around in circles, waving a bamboo cane around as if it were her sword, leaving a trail of all kinds of ingredients for potions in her wake. Her funny sounding laughter fills the room, but Nui is not amused as she still chases Yin around.

"Yin, get back here!" Nui yells at her, while Yin is still running around, roaring with laughter, like a toddler trying to escape its mother when having to take a bath. Bandages are caugth around her legs, her hair is disshelved and Yin is still in her undergarment

"You will never catch the mighty Wei Yin, now taste my wrath," Yin yelled back  while throwin a shoe at her head. Looking back to see Nui's reaction, she can't see where she's going an her foot collides with a bronze pot. Nui cringes at the impact and how much it must hurt, Yin dramatically falls over and crumples up, soothin her small toe.

"Well, appartently, pottery can defeat the mighty Wei Yin," Nui says whit a smirk growning on her angelic face. Nui bends over to grab Yin's shoe of the ground and her long, black braid snakes over her shoulder. 

"And I must say," Nui continues, "your aim is off, I thought you could do better," and throws the shoe right back at Yin, who is still holding her painful foot.  Without looking at the shoe, Yin sticks out her hand, grabs it out of the air and throws it back at Nui, this time hitting her right on her heart. 

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