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News about Robinsky and Rainmoon being kidnapped spread quickly throughout MoonClan, and Thistlestar demanded that the Clan lay low and wait until SunClan takes the first step. 

And that made Stonelark angry.

So when night fell, Stonelark left MoonClan. He didn't try to be sneaky, yet no cat tried to stop him, no one dared. He felt that as he padded through the forest the ground beneath him scorched way, and power surged through him. He arrived at the SunClan camp in no time.

Being in the middle of a golden field, there was no where for Stonelark to hide. Of course, he didn't need to. It was the SunClan warriors that were unlucky.

He strolled in like he belonged in SunClan. Thornstar was standing in the entrance, acting as if she knew he'd come.

"I had SunClan spies in the forest." She meowed. "When they saw you coming, they told me." There was a smirk on Thornstar's face, like she thought that she'd win a fight against Stonelark. There were warriors standing behind her and around her, ready to fight for their corrupted leader. To be fair, she wasn't the only corrupted cat there.

Stonelark didn't blink. "That's smart," he meowed in a silky voice. "You're a clever one, aren't you? Bet you think that you're special."

Thornstar's face fell. "Let's get to business," she spat at Stonelark. She glanced over at a pearl colored cat that Stonelark recognized as Willowflicker, the SunClan deputy. She was young, and worry and regret was clearly displaced on her face as she stepped aside to reveal Rainmoon and Robinsky.

The two were in horrible condition. Rainmoon had a long gash that started by her left ear and splayed over her right eye, which was swollen a bloody. It wouldn't be able to heal, Rainmoon would be part blind forever. Her front paws were snapped at an odd angle, as were Robinsky's, to keep them from running away.

For the first time, Stonelark felt an emotion. Anger. Pure, raw anger. He jerked his amber gaze to Thornstar and hissed, "I swear, I swear to StarClan that-"

"StarClan isn't on your side," Thornstar interrupted rudely. "You're playing for a different team, aren't you Stonelark."

"Let my sister and Robinsky go or I'll shred each and every one of your warrior's fur off." Stonelark said in a dangerously soft voice. Thornstar didn't move, just stared at him with a calculating look. "Do you think I'm joking?" He added in a louder voice.

A soft rasping sound came from Rainmoon, she was crying. Robinsky was out cold, a huge bloody welt on his head. He may not wake up.

"I'm willing to make a trade," Thornstar meowed in a royal sounding voice. "Go fetch Thistlestar."

Stonelark took a step closer to Thornstar, causing her to step back and warriors to step forward. "That's where we don't see eye to eye," Stonelark jerked his head towards Rainmoon and Robinsky. "There will be no trade. Give me them and you'll survive."

Thornstar leaned in, her nose almost touching Stonelark's. "Trades or deals will be the only way to get them back."

Stonelark paused for a bit, leaving the SunClan warriors in a tense and fearful moment. Finally, Stonelark decided. "I'll make a deal," he announced. "If you give me them, you and your Clan won't die."

Thornstar looked at him. No, she wasn't looking at him, she was looking over his shoulder. She gave a small nod. She was communicating with someone, and in that very moment Stonelark heard the soft thumps of pawsteps behind him. He waited until they were close, and twirled around.

It was a golden she-cat, trying to kill him. Before she could even think, he was on top of her. He slowly unsheathed his claws, looked over his shoulders at the terrified warriors of SunClan, and began to slash. The golden cat yowled and wailed and made all kinds of awful noises as Stonelark tore his claws through her fur. Soon her blue eyes went dark and the noises stopped.

Stonelark noticed then that his gray fur was now an ugly crimson-brown color from the cat's blood. He slowly stood up and turned around. To his satisfaction, every SunClan cat's eyes were huge with horror and fear, including Thornstar's.

"Now." Stonelark said coldly. He didn't bother with sheathing his blood covered claws. He was scarier this way. "Give me my Clanmates."

Thornstar didn't move. Her jaws opened and she said in barely a whisper, "Goldenwing?" The leader was looking at the she-cat's body on the ground, and tears were welling in her eyes. "You killed her. My sister is gone..."

"Slow to catch up, are we?" Stonelark muttered, rolling his amber eyes. He was starting to become annoyed with this whole situation. Soon he'd have to take matters into his own paws. He had expected all of this. What he hadn't expected, though, was Thornstar.

She lunged at him, knocking him to the ground. She placed one paw at his throat, holding him down no matter how much he thrashed. Her other paw unsheathed a row of pearly white claws, barely stained. Her flaming eyes connected with Stonelark's. 

"You killed my sister," she spat viciously. "I'll kill you!"

She jabbed her claws into Stonelark's chest and he let out a howl. More and more pain struck him and she continued to slash at him just as he did with Thornstar's sister, Goldenwing. Black began to creep into his gaze and he struggled to stay awake as Thornstar brought the wrath of StarCan down on him. 

Then there was the spark.

The black was shoved from his vision and the pain stopped. Thornstar stopped slicing and marveled down at Stonelark, who no longer had any wounds. "H-How..."

With a burst of strength, Stonelark threw the SunClan leader off of him. He charged at her and placed a quick swipe to her neck to daze her and swiped across her chest. She countered his hits, though, and placed a sharp bite on his forearm. 

This small battle went on for a bit, but finally Stonelark quit with the games. He shoved Thornstar down and sunk his jaws into her neck. She shuddered, spams taking hold of her body, and she fell still. He waited for her to wake up, but she didn't.

"That was her last life," he heard a cat whisper behind him. Then a cat said even louder, "Thornstar is dead!", and finally a cat wailed, "RUN!"

Just like that, SunClan began to scatter. Stonelark managed to catch a few cats, just hacking and slashing and biting and fighting. He must of killed  three cats in that moment alone.

He was drenched in blood. He looked down at the ground when the camp was finally clear, and when he looked up his eyes were completely black. The black eyed cat padded over to Rainmoon and meowed softly, "Are you okay?"

Rainmoon looked up and saw Stonelark's eyes. She gasped and struggled to scoot away from the black eyed murderer in front of her, yet Stonelark still felt nothing. He turned his back to Rainmoon and Robinsky, trying to calm down, but his eyes didn't change from black.

I hope you liked this chapter, it was exciting to write. This is sorta where it starts to get crazy, so get ready!

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