Chapter 29 - Training begins

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Adrianna's POV

"Mother" I whispered in shock

"Oh fuck" I heard Kit whisper in shock and apprehension too. I felt her eyes on me trying to figure out what I'm feeling. I could feel her emotions telling me she felt worried about how she would explain this to my mother. Whether I would deny her and our relationship or confirm it. I looked back at Kit and smiled reassuringly at her to let her know I wouldn't reject her despite my mother now knowing. She smiled back and kissed my lips in a short and sweet manner before getting up.

Penny rushed to her with shorts and a tight shirt which I inwardly thanked her for since it showed off my lovers breasts fantastically. She held my hand in solidarity and we walked towards Edward and my mother. My mother took me in and glared when she saw my hand interlocked with Kits. I saw Edward star at us in sheer joy, knowing my mother was disappointed in me. He then stared at Kit and I saw his eyes leer towards her chest forcing a venomous hiss I couldn't hold back sound through my mouth. He recoiled slightly taking a step back nearer to his mother who was glaring at Kit in hatred and then back to me in disappointment and anger. Once we stopped a foot away from her she furiously ordered

"In your office NOW Adrianna Isabella Maya Huntington this fucking instant unless you want the whole castle to see me drag you there."  And with that she marched back into the castle with Edward trailing behind her like a little puppy.

"I'd better go Kit, you should get back to your warriors." I sighed before letting go of her hand however she must of had other ideas because her grip on my hand increased softly and she said sternly

"Adrianna I love you, so if you think you are going to face your mother alone, you have another thing coming. Besides my warriors can train by themselves for a while and Sapphire won't be back from school till 4 so I'm coming with you."

"As sweet as that sounds, you being there will only antagonise my mother more and I have William there on my side and Matty will be there to defend should he deem necessary." I said hopefully placating her.

"No Ade, I am coming because she will have to get used to this sooner or later plus I am not having her diss you or our relationship without being there to defend us. I promise I won't fight or yell though I'm sure Edward will push my buttons but because I love you I won't react...... Probably" she teased with a hint of seriousness in her tone. I decided she was right and pecked her nose making her giggle. I rose my eyebrows at her in surprise

"Wow, the most powerful creature I know giggles! Who knew" I chuckled back making her turn a little rosy.

"Shut up and let's get this over with." She said softly chucking my shoulder. She suddenly zoned out so I knew she was speaking her warriors and after a minute or so she came back to me looking at her in question.

"Sorry, I was telling Hannibal to fight with Marcus and Jet to fight with Amber to learn other styles of fighting. It would have taken me seconds but unfortunately I have a bona fide psychopath as a warrior who asked me if he could have a tea party with Marcus instead and when I said no he called me homophobic against his teddy bear and that I better bring him a male vampire to sexually experiment with!" She said exasperated.

I laughed because it sounded bizarre but when I read all their files, he worried me greatly because of how unstable he sounded but Kit seemed to have some semblance of control over him which eased my worries slightly. It wasn't long before we were striding in the office with my mother, Edward, Will and Matty all in there. I sat down in my chair and William had kindly put another chair beside mine for Kit which Kit sat in gracefully and I smiled at him in thanks.

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