Cameron Dallas x Reader [One shot]

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I have written many stories before on so this is not going to be new to me or anything. Hope you enjoy it. Make sure to like.

H/c Hair colour
E/c Eye colour
Y/n your name


The rustic sunlight began to appear, shining through my window, leaving a line of light across my room. Today was Monday, another day of brutal assignments, homework, short lunch hours, and seeing people I hate. But I didn't necessarily hate everyone. To be honest, one in particular has been catching my eye lately. His name was Cameron. Cameron Dallas. He was the most perfect boy I have ever seen. Well, nobody's perfect. But to my eyes, he was.
I began to lift myself out of bed. I turned my to the clock which read, 6:15 AM. I groaned in agony as I put my feet down on the creaky hardwood floors. I got dressed in my school uniform, and brushed my (H/c) hair. Then i washed my face and brushed my teeth. I looked in the mirror took a deep breathe and grabbed my backpack, on my way out of the room.

I went downstairs and made myself some cereal, with an orange. I was never usually hungry in mornings, but I ate anyways. As soon as I finished, I made my way out the door and locked it behind me, "The weather is really hot today." I said to myself.
Walking down the sidewalk in this humid weather, a gust of wind came by and cooled me down. In the meantime, the sight of my school was clear to see.

I walked up the entrance, I was always a tad early for school just to be sure. The clock read, 6:45 AM. School would start in about 15 minutes, so I would get my binders school supplies ready for my classes. I walked up to my locker only to see him. Cameron. Whom was standing close to my locker. My heart started to pump two times faster. And my legs suddenly became wobbly. I cleared my throat as my (e/c) eyes glared at him. My mind was having a debate on what I should do. Walk up to him or...walk away? What if he thought I was annoying?
I began to take steps over to my locker.

"Hey (y/n)."
He just looked at me.
"Oh, hey Cameron."
Wait. Is this a conversation starting, or am I just dreaming.
"I didn't know you came early too."
"Yeah, but since when was your locker on the second floor? Isn't it always on the first floor?"

You idiot. Now it seems as if I don't want him near me.

He replied, "Haha, yes. But my locker is currently broken so I got moved to up here."
What the heck. I am so stupid. I should've thought things over before I opened my mouth to ask such a dumb question. I just looked away and ignored the question and hoping he ignored it too.

"You have really nice eyes (y/n)." He said while he still stood there, packing his new locker with his belongings.
What the. Did he really just. Did this really just. What.
My heart started pumping louder, I swear he could've heard it.
"T-Thanks Cameron."
"You can call me Cam."

My head shot to the right side view. I stared at him while blushing intensely. I felt almost as if a king had told a peasant to be the queen. What am I doing. He's a human too. Act natural.
"Aha okay."
He turned to me and smiled. My face still red as a tomatoe. I could feel my skin heating up.
He closed his locker and spoke, "We should hang out sometime."
Without even thinking it ever I replied fast with a 'sure, sounds great'.
"See you around!" He said, making his way over to his friends, Nash, Carter & Matt.
I sighed heavenly and closed my locker.
What just happened.

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Cameron Dallas x Reader [One shot]Where stories live. Discover now