A New Beginning!

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Well hello! Here we are. Ahhhhh.... I love new beginnings. They are full of promise and potential to be something great. Who knows what's around the next turn? 

Let's start in a good scene with many holes waiting to be filled with plot and interest!

*Eh ehmm...*

It was a dreary day in the city, and our main character was sitting in their beloved window watching the world fly by around them.  It was almost like the world was going too fast, and our protagonist is still struggling to catch up with everyone else.

A loud noise is heard downstairs, followed by frustrated shouting.  This was the main character's beloved family.  Actually, they were not as cherished as the main character's window with the window seat, but they came an extremely close second.

Our character retreats from the window and goes towards the sound, sighing with disappointment at all of their responsibilities.  The source of the disturbance was none other than the character's younger siblings, two scrawny children four years apart blaming each other for their own mistakes.  Ahhh... To be young again.

The two snap out of their heated argument and look startled by their older sibling's presence. 

"Oh!  Sorry, it was totally Zelda's fault."  The older of the two piped up first with an embarrassed smile.  The younger one sends a sharp glare at his (obviously untrue) comment.

"Um, no, it wasn't.  It was 'totally' Teddy's fault!"  Now they exchange heated glances at each other repeatedly, and our character sighs once again at their childish antics.  Nothing is boring around this household.

At the precise moment that our frustrated character was going to reprimand the two hooligans, the door to the apartment opens with a loud, obnoxious creak.

"My darling brothers and sisters!  I have returned from my job that must have been put on this earth just to torture me slowly until I die a horrible death...  Did you miss me?  Never mind, don't answer that, I am sure you almost died without my warm and comforting presence in our humble abode..."  Our older brother said dramatically as he sashayed into the living room after returning from his job as a lawyer.  Yes, I know, a lawyer.

"Shut up Henry, we already know you're gay as a rainbow."  Teddy shouted with annoyance at the disturbance.

"Yes, rainbows are lovely, aren't they..."  Henry goes off into his own little world of rainbows and unicorns before coming back to reality with a frown.  "Has mom come home yet?  Dad?"  Our character looks at the wood floor with sadness and shakes their head.  "Oh... Well, they must be still at work trying their best to support our darling angels!"  He runs over to Teddy and Zelda on the floor and gives them a suffocating bear hug before turning to our protagonist.  "Hey Zeldi, Teddy, can you guys go upstairs please?"  Henry says to them softly.  They nod and head to their rooms.

"What's wrong, Henry?"  Our character asks, concerned.  

"Mom and dad haven't called or texted me...  I don't know were they are...  I checked with both of their workplaces, but both of them said that they left suddenly.  What do you think happened to them?"  Henry looks at me with so much worry that I grow more concerned than I already was.

"What do you mean?  I had no idea."  What happened to their parents?

So, we started out with a character and a family that is lovable and maybe relatable.  But, how do we tell what is going to happen?

At the end of every chapter I would like you guys to answer specific questions (with comments) that will help the story go along.  I will pick a comment (randomly) to follow through in the next chapter.  Good luck!

1: What is our character's gender? That is totally up to you.

2: What is our character's name?  It could be anything at all.

3: What happened to their parents? It could be ANYTHING!

4: What is going to happen next? Does our character help out their parents next? Or do something else first... 

So comment your answers and I will see you in the next chapter!

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