Chapter 16- Duh Duh Duh!!!

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~Time skip 2 days~

~Kendra's Pov~


I was laying in bed, doing absolutely nothing, when the doctor came in(yes, still in the hospital! Cause I can xD)

"Alright, Kendra, you are better, so you can go home, but you have to be on oxygen for a while longer.." He explained

I sighed, I hated oxygen, "okay.." I said, looking down

"Well, when your ready, you can get regular clothes on, and then call me in again, so I can hook you to your oxygen, then you can go!" He said, with a smile, as he left

I got up, and went to the bathroom, and got dressed (thank you captain obvious!! xD)

~time skip of randomness~

When I got out, the doctor was in the room, with my oxygen tank

~Time skip of Swag~

I was hooked up to my oxygen (I took this in a really weird way!! xD)

And we were on our way home


~Emma's Pov~


I was on watch, for Kendra and Jerome, meaning I had to watch for them(I took that a different way.. So I had to add that! Sorry! xD)

They were pulling into the driveway

"They're here!!" I yelled, diving over the back of the couch, and landing on Mitch, "sorry!!"

"You're fine! Didn't hurt that much anyways!" He told me, but I could tell he was hurt

"Shut up you two!!" Ian yelled

"Make us!!" I whisper yelled (still don't know if that's correct!!), as the door knob shook, "oh shit!" I whispered hiding


~Jerome's Pov~


I was unlocking the door, when I heard rustling in the house

Knowing that everyone was there, I didn't think anything of it, even if the lights were off

Well... That was a mistake

"Surprise!!" Everyone yelled, making both me and Kendra jump 3 feet into the air

"Why would you do that?!"

Kendra, kind of, yelled

"We wanted to throw you a welcome home party!" Emma said, excitedly, "so if you accept, come to teh game room!!"

I looked at Kendra, who just shrugged, and followed Emma


~Emma's Pov~


I went to the game room, where we had multiple games set up for the party

Kendra and Jerome eventually came and we started the party


~Time skip~


We were all recording some hunger games, when the doorbell rang

"I'll get it!!" I yelled, running up the stairs

I got to the door, and opened it

The person who stood there, I haven't seen for 5 years




Shorter chapter.. But hey! I published! :)

And I bet your all thinking, "who the hell is Drake!?!?"

Well, you will find out in the next chapter!

And a cliffhanger!!! What!?!?

And I've hit 500 reads!! YUS!! :D thank you guys!! It means a lot!!

Great ideas for this in the future chapters!! Yay!! xD

Anyways, hope you enjoyed!!

Peace out, my Candy Pandas!!


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