Chapter 1

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My name is Marie James, I'm 19 years old, I'm from Brooklyn, New York City. I was born different and unfortunately I'm what they label as "Bipolar".

It started off at the age of 6 with my constant mood swings, my temper tantrums, and the things I did that I don't remember. My parents didn't think much of it mainly because which 6 year old doesn't throw tantrums, mood swings and things ?

By the age of 8 my parents could see something was wrong with me and when they took me to go get it checked on the doctors couldn't diagnose it as anything because to them "it was just a phase." My parents found out it wasn't just a phase when I said I was going to kill my teacher and she ended up in the hospital the day after due to me stabbing her with my pencil.

I was officially diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder when I was 10, it was also let known that I'm a compulsive liar, and a few other things that you'll learn about as you travel through my life.

My beginning teenage years I was very depressed, not for any specific reason or not that I remember. I just know I was in an extremely dark period time.

At 15, I was raped by 2 guys I thought I could trust and after awhile because of the incident, I became a nymphomaniac and a masochist. My mother caught myself and an older dude in the act when I was 16 and I was sent to Grovewood's Mental Asylum until she felt I was right in the head again.

17 years old, I completed high school in my top 5 and started taking online learning classes until my parents thought I was fit enough to go. I started college and was never looked at as the "crazy chick" until I had my first mental breakdown and went crazy. Because of that, I had no friends, nobody to talk to, that was until my second semester when I met Renee, who became my best friend in the world, the one girl I could tell everything to.

Which brings us to me now, a graduated 19 year old college student, with nothing to do with my life because people find it hard to hire people with "disabilities". Like, what the fuck is that ? So because I have mental issues you can't hire me ? You have autistic people in your functions but you can't hire me because you're afraid I might do something to one of your customers or some shit like that ? That's some bullshit. So practically I went to high school and graduated college early for no fucking reason.

I have nothing to do with my life. All I can do is sit back and watch as time flies past me in hopes that maybe just maybe somebody will except me for me. I hate sitting on my ass, it's just not in my character to do so. Sitting on my ass drives me insane and I HAD to do something, so that's what I've been doing.


Rate, Comment, Criticize, all of that good stuff, I'm open to suggestions as well. :* -Tajah

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