Chapter 2

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| Reneé |

Poodah! Where are you ?" I call out as I roam Marie's condo

It was never a good idea to leave her by herself for a long time because she'd forget to take her meds and leave without taking them which would result in a mental breakdown. Not in the bathroom, not in the kitchen, not in the living room, which only left one place.. Heading around the corner to her room I was hit by the scent of Febreeze and rustling around.

"Poodah ?" I say again but softer

Pushing her door open, Marie's caramel colored figure dressed in a romper, moving back and forth through her cluttered room, looking as if she'd lost something.

"Marie, what are you doing ?"

No answer. Shuffling my way through high heels, sneakers, purses and clothes I managed to get in front of her she looked as if she was in a trance and as soon as she saw my face she snapped out of it, jumping back slightly and looking around the room.

"I can't find my phone, I can't find my pills." she sighed

Tilting my head to the side I look at her with a confused expression while glancing at the phone that was laying flat on her dark purple comforter.

"Poodah, your phone is behind you." I point to it shaking my head at her "and did you look in the medicine cabinet ? Your nightstand ?" I questioned

She nodded her head yes to both questions as she jumped on the bed and immediately focused her attention on whatever it was she so urgently needed her phone for.

"What'd you need your phone for so bad that you're not paying attention to me Marie ?" I ask her placing a hand on my hip and raising an eyebrow

She glances up at me and blinks as if something is going on that I should know. "What ?"

"You don't remember August and Chris are finally coming home on tour ? You don't remember they gave us backstage passes because they missed us ?" she questions

"OMG!! THATS TODAY ?! I thought that was next week! What type of friend am I ?" I begin freaking out

Marie bursts into a fit of laughter as she listens and watches me spazz out, not only over the fact that I forgot but the fact that I didn't know what to do with my hair, my nails weren't done, I didn't know what to wear. I was mentally slapping myself for forgetting.

"This is not a laughing matter Marie." I glare as I speak to her

"Ok, ok, I'm sorry. Take my keys, and go ahead, I'll be here." she says tossing her car keys at me and I immediately rush out the door.

[3 Hours Later]

C'mon! We gonna be late! And I am ready to see August's sexy ass, do you know how long it's been ?" I spoke as I dragged Marie to my black Range Rover and walk over to my side immediately hopping in.

"You nasty. That's it. You just nasty." She spoke playfully rolling her eyes

I pulled off instantaneously putting the pedal to the floor. 25 minutes later, we were pulling up to the building which was packed as fuck.

Good thing was, we have backstage passes and immediate access to Chris and Aug. Ain't gotta worry about no shit. Marie was in the mirror making sure her hair was perfect and I did the same. We both made sure each other's hair looked right, our faces, our make up, all of it. When we got out and walked to the big security dude I realized it was Aug's security guard and sadly I couldn't remember his name for shit. He smiled as he looked down at us and nodded letting us in through the back door before returning back to his hardcore straight face causing me to giggle.

When we got in it was hectic as hell, people running everywhere, you could hear the crowd screaming "August and Chris" as the DJ hyped them up. Chris and August nowhere in sight but I was patient.. At least I thought I could be. Marie was back on her phone again and I peeked over her shoulder to see what she was doing that was consuming her attention.. Flappy Bird. Shaking my head I grin and walk beside her talking to a few of the people we knew from being around Chris and August a lot. They filled me in on things I was going to have to inform Marie about because I know she wasn't paying attention, her simple "mhm's, yeah's, and I heard you" wasn't enough to convince me that she was paying attention.

A little bit later it was showtime and the screaming increased, I heard August's voice on the loud speaker and I immediately turned red listening to his thick New Orleans accent speak. By this time Marie put down her phone and was waiting impatiently to see Chris, when he finally came on she nearly lost it and we both went crazy over them, looking like fine wine. Occasionally August would walk to where Marie and I were and wink at me with a smile on his face as Marie and I sung the songs.

They performed "I Luv This Shit" "Ghetto" and "Make It Home" with Chris putting in his own little parts. Chris performed "Love More" "Loyal" and "Main Chick" with August doing the same. They also did a little song together that they made up, teasing the crowd a little bit and driving them insane. Chris nearly got pulled down and August helped him up, they walked off the stage laughing, smiling and dapping each other. When they got to the back Aug opened his arms to us for a hug that we both gladly took, telling him how much we missed him and Chris. When Marie pulled away he kissed her forehead and told her "Im gon kick your ass cuh you on wanna answer damn calls." She laughed and flipped him off and turned to Chris who was standing behind her on his phone. She mushed him and his head snapped up looking at her like she was crazy until he realized who she was.

"Daaaammmnnnnn. You done grown up grasshoppa." Was the last thing I heard before August pulled me away and lead me to his dressing room.

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