Neighbors AU: Anniversary Pt. 1

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Rowan's POV

I walked from the room and stopped at the doorway, and looked at Aelin. There was no reason to worry, as she had fallen asleep, ten seconds after I left the bed. Good. I didn't want her to expect anything. It was too early for her to remember it was our anniversary. I made my way to the kitchen for the first surprise of the day: breakfast in bed. I looked through the cabinets for anything to make. There was macaroni and cheese, nope. Ramen Noodles, nah. Pancakes? Unoriginal. Maybe, crepes? I lived in France for a year before moving to America, so I vaguely remembered how to make them.

I thought for a moment. I really sucked at cooking. This wouldn't be fun at all for Aelin if the food was terrible.

I hoped she'd forgive if it was too terrible, but I had to do this myself. It wouldn't be as personal any other way. Lysandra had offered to come over to help me cook, but I decided that it wouldn't be romantic if the breakfast actually wasn't made by me.

I decided that it would probably be a good idea to look up a basic recipe rather than trying to make it based off of blurred memory. I got out the ingredients and began on the food. I decided on some toppings that couldn't go wrong with Aelin; Strawberries, she loved those, Nutella, we already had five jars, and bananas, they always went well with Nutella. I had only bought the strawberries yesterday, and they were already half-gone. I rolled my eyes, and started her breakfast in bed.

Aelin's POV

I awoke again to a soft whisper in my ear. Rowan was repeatedly whispering my name. That was weird. He never woke me up so nicely. Yesterday he literally woke me up by spraying me with our spray bottle for the cat and dog. This was a surprise, pleasant, but suspicious all the same. I opened an eye at the smell of something chocolate.

"Good morning, Sleepy-head," Rowan said sarcastically.

I guess even though he was doing something nice for me, he was still Rowan. Sarcastic, dark-humored Rowan. I was about to close my eye again when I saw that he was holding food. Not just food, crepes. Dreamy, chocolaty, sweet crepes. I remembered that he lived in France for a year before coming to America. They must be pretty exotic and true to France. I sighed. He sure knew how to wake me up.

He sat down beside me and handed me the breakfast tray.

"Should I really eat this?" I asked him warily. "Last time you made me food I had diarrhea for days."

"I swear it won't be terrible. Trust me."

I made a face. He tried to glare, but I could see the grin he was trying to hide.

I took a bite of the crepe first, and to my surprise, it wasn't terrible. In fact, the crepe was very good. The shock must've shown on my face because Rowan gave me a dirty look.

"See! And you didn't believe in me," he huffed.

"Sorry," I said through a mouth of crepe.

"Happy three year dating anniversary!"

"Nice present," I replied. "I love food."

"Oh, darling," He said, lifting my chin so my eyes would meet his, "This is only the beginning."

That sounded suspicious as hell, but I just nodded. He grinned smugly and got up.

"You'd better get dressed," he told me.

"And that is because?"

He shushed me, "Secret."


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