Neighbors AU: So What?

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Aelin's POV

I came toward the two men, and they started to laugh. I shook my head and smiled wickedly,  they were out of their minds. I looked into their eyes, and willed mine to look innocent as possible. They were starting to get it, I could murder them if I wanted to. They didn't know that, but they were starting to understand that I was prepared. I took in a deep breath, closing my eyes, and when I opened them Lyssa was behind me, patting my back. I probably shouldn't do this, these guys weren't even that big, but I wanted a fight right now. I smiled at Lyssa then turned back to the two men.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Because if you're going to turn back, now would be the time."

"We ain't no sissies. Do you want to turn back, darling?"

"Wrong answer," I said sweetlly.

They didn't get one word in before I pounced on the first one. He shrieked from surprise. The other man tried to sneak up behind me, but before he could even touch me, there was a foot in his face. He was lucky that I wasn't wearing heels today. The one I kicked fell to the ground, crying. The one I tackled got up and tried to punch me, bad idea. I took his arm and twisted it around to a point where I could break his arm easily, but out of courtesy I didn't. 

I turned to see that not only Lyssa was there anymore, there was a crowd of about fifteen people watching a young woman beat two grown men. They were all cheering for me. I smiled then whipped my head around to the two men. The one I kicked got up, his eyes still watering. I hoped I broke his nose. He tried to punch me in the face, but I grabbed his hand and flipped him over with it. He curled up on the ground.

"You still want to fight?"

"Yeah," I heard a voice from behind me. 

I turned while ducking, and took his leg to flip him onto his back. He growled, and I turned to the crowd, which had about thirty people now. I smiled and turned back to see both men trying to come at me at once. I kicked one in the stomach, and the other in the crotch. They both fell to the ground. 

"You guys sure you still want to fight?"

"No, I don't know about Thomas, here, but I'm good," the man I kicked in the balls cried.

"Please stop," Thomas whimpered.

"I'm done if you are,"

"We're done,"

"Good, don't cat-call women, unless you're looking for another fight,"

They both nodded and scampered off. I looked to the crowd of about fifty people cheering. I saw Lyssa in the front, cheering the loudest, but I also saw another familiar face in the crowd. I looked closer to see his silver hair and green eyes. He was clapping and smiling like the rest of the crowd. I bowed mockingly and walked over to Lyssa.

"That was very graceful, Aelin. I loved this little performance!" she encouraged, "I'm just afraid you're going to scare off all the men. They were all fearing you except one. He was really attractive and buff and he was smiling at you the entire time,"

"Silver hair?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"You're talking about my new neighbor,"

"Oooh, the hot one?"

"Yeah, wasn't he hot?"

"Yeah, I don't know why I didn't catch on. He was exactly as you described, even hotter, actually," she winked, "He looked pretty interested,"

"Oh, did I now?" I heard from behind me.

"Yeah, you looked pretty interested in the fight," Thank goodness Lyssa was quick witted and knew exactly what to say. I turned to him and smiled.

"How did you like the fight? I saw it at the end,"

"You're really good, where did you learn?"

"It's a long story,"

"Maybe you could tell me on a date?"

"Yeah, I'd love to tell you more, when?"

"This Friday okay for you?"

"Yeah, what about two 'o'clock?"

"Sounds good, I'll see you then, or maybe sooner. Here's my number just in case," He wrote down some numbers on a paper and gave it to me.

"Seeya," I said casually.

He waved as he left. Lyssa smiled at me, and I rolled my eyes and pulled her toward the cafe. Many people stared at me as we walked and I just returned them a wicked grin. When we got to the cafe, everyone said hi to me. I was a regular here, I really liked the omelets. We got a seat and Lyssa immediately asked,

"So, Rowan,"

"What about him?"

"He's super hot,"

"I know,"

"The date's tomorrow, what are you wearing?"

"You'll have to help me choose,"

"You'll have to text about where you're going, so you know what to wear,"

"Yeah, so Lyssa, are you interested in getting a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I've been thinking about it for a while. Do you have anyone in mind?"

"Uhh, well yeah, but it's a little strange,"

"Who?" she asked suspiciously.

"I'm not sure-"

"Who?" she asked, a bit more pointedly this time.

"Have you ever considered Aedion?" I expected her to laugh or mock me, but she didn't.

"Yeah, this might sound weird, but I have. He likes Ev, he likes me, I like him. I've had a bit of a crush on him for a while. He's sweet, attractive, kind, and I think he'd make a good boyfriend. I'd like to go on a date with him, tell him that,"

"He told me to talk him up, but it seems you've done that for me," she giggled.

"I wonder how he and Ev are doing right now,"


Meanwhile at Aelin's apartment

Aedion's POV

Ev was jumping around on the bed. She had just eaten the last of Aelin's chocolate cake. Aelin would probably kill me, but the look on Ev's face was worth it. She was obviously getting a sugar rush because she was the most energetic I'd ever seen her before. She was laughing and had now stopped jumping and was rolling on it. She was so sweet. Anyone who met her would've figured she was eight years old, even though she was eleven.  

She started smiling at me, not her usual smile, but the smile that Aelin usually had. That was scary. She was planning something, she started laughing and pointed behind me. I turned to see what she was pointing at, there was nothing. I was about to ask her what she was pointing at, then she jumped onto my back. 

I started laughing, then took the opportunity to run around the house. She was giggling on my back, and holding onto my shoulders tightly. She let go of one of my shoulders to let her hair free of her braid. She laughed as I started to run faster. She loosened her grip and I felt her slide down my back and jump to the ground. I turned to see her running toward my room. 

I followed her. When I walked in, she was nowhere to be seen. I looked around, a smile spreading across my face. I heard something from behind me, my door closing. I turned to see what it was, but there was nothing. Confused, I looked around again. I was about to leave when I felt the weight on my shoulders. She put her hands over my eyes and said,

"Guess who!"

"Hmm, Aelin?" she giggled.

"No silly, it's me, Ev!"

"I knew that you rascal!" 

I tossed her onto my bed, she was still laughing. I just smiled.

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