Day 1😑

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Annie POV~
So today I had to wake up at 5:00 am because it my meet is tomorrow and it takes two hours to get there but I woke up 1 hour early because I have to shower get dressed get my hair done and then get Hayley up and get dressed and then go to Katie house and pick her up so this morning going to be busy

1 hour later~

So I've had my shower got dressed got my hair and Hayley up and dressed and now we have to go and get Katie. So we all go in the car apart from daddy because he had work so me and hats let kiss and hug him goodbye and he said when we get back he has some news to tell us. So we r driving to Katie's house and me and Hayley r singing when my mum stops and the red light she quickly gets the camera out and starts vlogging us and I didn't notice until like  five minutes later after I finished rapping and I was like "omg nooooo" I laughed while saying it. It was funny at the time😂😂

10 minutes later~
We Finlay get to Katie's house and we go and knock on the door quietly so we  don't wake everyone up and Katie opens the door and we see everyone awake. My mum goes omg everyone is awake they all laugh and  say we all r coming apart from daddy o  as he has work. So we all get in the car
Th seas are~
Front Mrs Katie      Mrs Jill
Middle    Annie        Katie   Hayley
Back        Caleb  Rayan    Brennan

And it takes 2 hours to get there so we have blankets with us so if we get Cooke and earphones and chargers and Laptops to do out homeschool work. So while my mum was driving me and Katie were talking about crushes and we were whispering because we didn't want anyone to hear and kately said to me she likes Caleb and I said I like Brennan and I think Caleb heard me because he sent me a text

(Annie~a Caleb~c)
I asked Katie if I could tell him that she likes him and she said yes so I go and text him it

A-Kate likes u
C-wait what
C-r u kiddin me
C-like r u for  really
A- YES Caleb I'm for really u r texting me saying u like Brennan while Katie likes u we r both the same nearly the same age as u like if would be fine if I dated him
C-well we will find out tonight if she likes u
A-wait Caleb what do u mean by that
C-I mean we will play truth or dare
A-thank god I thought u was going to tell him
C-nah I wouldn't do that to u ur my sister❤️
A-thank u Caleb❤️
A-now stop listening To what we r taking about😂😂
C-okay I'll stop now😂

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