Chapter Eight

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 Aeryn had a hard time falling asleep. It took her at least ten minutes to get comfortable, and even then all she could do was stare blindly towards the ceiling, the fact that the room had no windows making it too dark for her to be able to see anything.

Even when she did manage to fall asleep it was only for maybe an hour at a time before she was awake again. Eventually she gave up trying to sleep, turning onto her side with a sigh.

She was worried about Raleigh.

Not that the Fox wouldn't be able to take care of herself. After all they were inside the Wall, where Raleigh belonged.

But the other girl had definitely broken something when they landed. And it was dark when they'd ran. Rahktar had been out. If Raleigh was hurt and unable to run or fight...

Aeryn pulled herself into a seated position, running a hand through her hair with another sigh. She couldn't go home just yet. Not knowing if Raleigh was okay.

Besides, it was dangerous for her to go back outside the Wall. If she did they would turn on her again. Mostly likely kill her. Though she was in more danger in the City.

She couldn't think about that right now. Her number one priority was finding Raleigh.

With a soft groan Aeryn pushed herself to her feet, wrapping her arms around herself at the cold draft that hit her. She shuffled towards the door, trying to remember which direction they'd taken to get to Casper's room before turning to her left, towards where she thought was Claudia's room. It was dark, so Aeryn kept on hand on the wall as she walked. When she reached Claudia's room she paused, the sounds of voices making her hesitate.

"Casper what were you thinking, bringing her here?"

"I was thinking that I could not leave a defenseless girl out in the middle of the night with Rakhtar roaming around looking for a meal. I did not think of the consequences of bringing her here."

"You did not think...Casper I understand your need to help others, really I do. I am your twin after all. But did you ever stop to think what father will do if he finds this girl here? That we are hiding this human girl?"

There was silence for a moment and then Claudia, much softer than she'd been before said, "it will not matter that we are his children. Father is on the Council. He will have no choice but to kill us."

"I know."

Aeryn heard Claudia sigh. The pair grew quiet for a moment, and then the door opened, causing Aeryn to gasp and stumble back a few steps.

"If you are going to eavesdrop you should have just knocked." Claudia said, one hand on her hip, the other holding the door open.

"I-I didn't mean to..."

"Come in." Claudia took a step back, opening the door wide enough for Aeryn to step into the room. "We were about to discuss how exactly my dear brother plans on getting you back outside the Wall undetected."

"I can't go back." Aeryn said. Claudia and Casper both looked at her, shock written on their faces.

"What do you mean, you cannot go back?" Casper asked.

"I will be killed if I go back."

"You will be killed if you stay." Claudia replied, arms crossed. She ignored the look her brother gave her. "Humans are not accepted here, or have you forgotten?"

"I know but my friend is here somewhere. I think she's hurt. I have to go find her."

"What you are saying is suicide!" Claudia laughed, shaking her head. "You are proposing going out, a human, into a world where simply being alive is cause enough to be killed. You must have a death wish. I am sorry but what you are asking is simply ridiculous. If we allow you to stay any longer we will all be killed."

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