Nashville bitches xD

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Lilian's POV.

Cameron and I leave for magcon today.

I'm so nervous yet excited.

Bethany and I haven't talked much since she went to the party.

That was 2 days ago. Yesterday Cameron told me he loved me.

I'm nervous about magcon.

Things have been moving so fast between Cameron and I.

I'm not sure what to think.

I should be happy but I don't know what Cameron's motives are.

I hope he isn't just a horny teenage boy.

He already established that he wouldn't do anything I wasn't comfortable with. Hey that's more than I can say about my previous boyfriends.

My heart has been broken so many times and I don't know if it can stand one more break.

I just hope that with everything I've gone through he's the exception.

The one I can trust.

Oh shit! I say as I look at my phone.

It's 12 I leave at 1 and I have nothing packed!

I quickly open my closet door and grab my staple items.

(A/n I'm going to give a thorough list of all the things she's packing so you can skip over it If you want.)

These include

All of my clothes



Tank tops

Some bikinis

Bras and undies

Some sweaters







And flipy floppies(flip flops duh xD)



Phone Charger


I decide to take a quick shower too.

As I hop in the shower I start to think about what Cameron's fans will think of me.

Love or Hate I'll still be with Cameron.

As I get out of the shower I blow dry my hair and put on some makeup.

After that I put all my shower items in a bag then in my suitcase. I pack my makeup and hair hot tools then I'm pretty sure I'm packed.

I decide to keep my outfit simple and go with pair of charcoal high waisted shorts,

a red v neck that shows a little cleavage ,

my black ray bands, and some black TOMS.

I grab my purse and suitcase then call cam.

"are you finally ready"

Am I am I ready?

"Yeah. haha I'm ready. can you pick me up?

Yes babe I'm already outside.

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