Mirror Image

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He Tian ran out off the basketball court, not bothering to say bye to his teammates. He wanted to get to the first floor corridor where the redhead was.

The distance from the court to the school building had never seemed so long before. His heart thumped wildly against his rib cage as he ran.

Red likes me...

He was certain of it now. Nobody would blush like that from a simple flying kiss otherwise.

He likes me...

He Tian's entire being hummed in joy. He was running up the stairs now, taking two at a time.

He likes me back...

He Tian had never felt so happy in his life.

Running across the corridor, now, to the part where Red would surely be hunched over, still blushing from the kiss he had thrown. The thought of it made him feel giddy.

He likes me...

He Tian screeched to a halt. He was sure he had come to the right spot. Yes, he could see the basketball court right below... But no redhead was to be found.

Confused, he scanned the corridor, before his eyes landed on a door to his right: the boys' toilet.

He Tian smirked to himself.


Where does a madly blushing boy go to hide when he doesn't want his crush to know that he likes him? Answer, the boys' toilet.

Chuckling lightly, he pushed the door open and found the redhead standing at the sink, staring at his reflection in the small mirror that hang over it.

He Tian had expected the other to be blushing, fumbling or even fuming, given that he was prone to short bursts of temper. What he had not expected was the eery calm with which the redhead regarded him through the mirror.

Something seemed a bit... Off.

But, he forced that feeling aside, ignoring the tense atmosphere that seemed to hang over the two of them.

"Hey...!" He Tian said, forcing a smirk to his lips.

I have got this. No need to worry.

"Hey", the redhead replied in monotone.

"Soooo..." He Tian dragged his voice out suggestively.

"Yeah, what?" The redhead replied jn the same uninterested monotone.

He Tian was getting impatient.

"What? What do you mean, 'yeah, what'? You did see me, right, I know you saw me on the basketball court. Heck, I saw you blushing like crazy", he blurted out.

"Yeah, so I blushed. And, so what?" Red said through gritted teeth in response.

He Tian vaguely wondered at the absence of the other's usually liberal dose of swear words.

Their eyes were locked. He Tian could see a vein throbbing on the other boy's temple. He could see his nostrils  flared out in anger, his eyes dangerously narrowed.. and the flush that was spreading over his face and neck... He could hear his loud, irregular breathing that was the only sound breaking the silence in the narrow space.

Is he playing hard to get? Fuck that shit.

He Tian felt his body move. One hand raised itself to grab the other boy by his neck. When his fingers touched the skin, it felt smooth, as smooth as he had always imagined, and warm.

"What did you say?", He Tian asked softly.

Red did not answer, but, still kept his eyes locked with him, a defiant refusal apparent in his rigid posture.

He Tian turned to examine the spot on the other boy's neck where his hand was resting. The flush had darkened, it seemed to spread from his finger tips and course forward.

"I asked what did you say?", He Tian asked even more softly, moving closer to the other boy, voice barely above a whisper.

Red visibly gulped, and looked down, finally breaking eye contact.

"Hey! Look at me when I talk  I to you." He Tian softly weaved his fingers through the other boy's hair, and tugged at it, to make him look up.

"Are you... Are you going to beat me up?" The other boy finally croaked out.

What!!! He Tian looked incredulously at the other boy. And then... Oh well! Whatever!

"Yeah... If you don't repeat, sweetheart, you are gonna get very, very hurt."

'I... I said, so what..."

He Tian watched the other boy mouth those words again, and roughly pressed his index finger on his lips. They felt soft and plump beneath his calloused hands.

"Shhh! Sweetheart! Don't lie!" He whispered, increasing the pressure on those lips, enjoying how they gave away beneath his finger, parting slightly, giving him access to what lay beyond.

"Don't lie". He Tian repeated, leaning in, sorely tempted to shove his tongue in that mouth right there and have Red moan his name into the kiss.

But in the school toilet? I don't want our first kiss to be here like that...

Smirking a little at his own sentimental side, He Tian decided against the kiss and instead proceeded to nibble at the other boy's earlobe, "Don't lie, sweetheart, we both know you love it."

And with that, he left, but not before slapping the other lightly on his butt.

Why He Tian does what he does (a 19 Days Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now