Fire (AARC)

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"Harris!" Spyder yelled, shooting the contents of the extinguisher at the fire.

"Spyder!" Harris shouted in a 'what-did-you-do-now' type of manner.

"Leo," Mark sighed, gesturing to the other two.

"Spyder," Harris warned.

"Mark?" Spyder asked, looking for help.

"Donkey!" Leo shouted, before defending himself against the weird looks, "What? It's Shrek." No response, "Wow, I feel ancient. Okay."

It had been another year since the monsters started showing up again, and needless to say, they were struggling.

The Mech shook and Harris yelped, "Not the time, not the time!"

They got back into battle formation.

Leo stood on the technopad, machines hooked up to him allowing him to control the robot.

"This was and is a very bad idea," Leo said as he pushed the monster up and off of the robot.

"You say that every time," Spyder complained.

"And like every time, I'll reason with this : It's not like we have much of a choice, okay? So just fight the monster so we can go home!" Harris shouted the end part, temper wearing thin quicker these days.

Leo rolled his eyes, "Alright, sheesh."

That's when the monster opened its mouth.

"Gah-" Leo bent the Mech back sharply to avoid the breath of fire from the monster.

"We need to take this out of town!" Mark yelled, looking at the civilians on the ground.

"Right," Sweat dripped down Leo's face. He didn't know how Ryan did it...


The monster swiped at the Mech, knocking it down.

They all yelled as they fell back, Mark crawled up to the bar far enough to get a view of Leo, "Come on, Leo. Not now."

Leo shook his head, but the images were too much, "Tap out..." He mumbled, before repeating louder, "Tap out."

Harris and Spyder crawled with practiced ease up to Leo where they unhooked him and let him slide down the floor.

Mark came down and they hooked him up in record time. He stood with the Mech, allowing them all to gain their bearings before they began directing the monster back into the woods, away from the city.

They got it there and the battle continued until Harris realized that the woods they had directed the monster to was on fire, and it was spreading towards Bay City.


"Ah, come on!" Mark cried, and with a massive swing the monster dissolved into ooze.

But the forest was still on fire, and spreading fast.

Firetrucks formed a blockade around the city, all poised and ready to extinguish. But they didn't have to.

Something took hold of the Mech and shoved it away as the flames roared to new heights.

The crew in Mech-X4 screamed as they crashed into the ground, Mark rolling so they landed on their back and looked up at their unknown savior.

There stood Mech-X3, it turned towards the edge of the fire and the entire Mech glowed blue as the water turned on in sync, blasting the fire from all directions. Mech-X3 then picked up a hose from five spaced-out trucks and lifted it into the air in order for the water to blast the middle of the forest as well as the edges.

Soon enough the fire was out, and Mech-X3 disappeared along with a lone boy wearing a hoodie that obscured his face.


"What the -," Curse word, "Was that?"

"A technopath," Leo said, icepack held to his head.

All heads immediately turned their attention to Leo.


"Like Ryan?"

"I thought he was the only one?"

Leo held up his hands to silence them, "He was... The only one I was aware of, at least."

Mark stepped forward, "Well, looks like we have a new agenda. Finding this technopath and getting answers."


"Who's been creating technopaths? And why? Why now?"

"It's been a year- you don't think...?"

Mark shook his head, attempting to clear it, "No, it can't be. We watched him die."

He looked up, "It can't be Ryan."


"Good job, my boy." He smiled.

The boy returned the smile, though it quickly fell from his face, "Father, who are they?"

"No one," He brushed it aside, "No one of importance, anyway."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2017 ⏰

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