Chapter Twelve: I'm Not in Love

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Chapter Twelve: I’m Not in Love


“Sanctius,” Decimus hissed. We were cleaning tables the next morning before the tavern opened, and I was bleary-eyed. I had stayed later with Vespera than I had anticipated, and I fell asleep late.

“What?” I mumbled. He elbowed me in the ribs.

“Stay awake,” he said. “My mother will wonder why you were up late.”

I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them again, trying to widen them. I wasn’t a liar; if Antonia asked me where I had been, I would tell her the truth.

“What were you doing with that girl anyway?” he asked.

“We just…talk,” I answered. It seemed less extraordinary when I put it that way, but it was the truth. “I avoid religion and…the past…but we’ve talked about literature and plans for our futures. It was nice to make a new friend.”

Decimus sighed. “I know you want to expand…but Sanctius.” He leaned in and said in a low voice, “She’s a patrician who seems to support Nero. The moment she finds out you’re a Christian…”

“I know. But Decimus—”

He rolled his eyes and threw his cleaning cloth down in desperation. “God help you, you’re in love, aren’t you?”

I gave him an angry look, which probably looked stupid when I tried to stifle my yawn. “I’m not in love,” I said. “We’re friends, and that is all. I’ve spoken to her twice.” To be honest, curious was the word that described my feelings; I still had a huge mistrust of her and patricians in general. Even though she made me feel like I could trust her, due to my own past and experiences, I couldn’t. Not fully.

“Imagine what will happen when Maria finds out.”

A figure walked into the tavern and sat down in front of me. “When Maria finds out what?” Maria asked, staring up at me with wide eyes. I jumped back, startled. It was far too early for surprises.

“Nothing,” I murmured. “Just have a lot on my mind.”

“You know you can talk to me about anything,” she said, trying to catch my gaze in vain. “I came anyways because I haven’t spoken to either of you in a while. I was wondering what was going on.” She had her hair gathered on one shoulder casually. Decimus looked at me, I guess wondering if I was going to say anything about Vespera. Even though Maria was my friend…I didn’t know if it was a good idea.

“I’ve just had a lot on my mind, like I said,” I stated as I finished cleaning the table.

“You seem really tired, Sanctius,” she noted. I nodded, running a hand through my hair.

“I stayed up late last night,” I replied honestly. Maria turned to Decimus.

“What was he doing?” she asked, as if I couldn’t answer for myself.

“You’ll have to ask him yourself. Anything I’ll say is speculation.” There was a note of bitterness, and I could tell he had a growing mistrust of Vespera and a dislike of the fact that I was associating myself with her.

I glared at Decimus. “It’s like you don’t trust me,” I snapped. He clenched his jaw.

“I don’t trust her,” he growled back.

Maria looked confused. “Who?”

“Some patrician,” Decimus answered. My hands turned to fists, but I kept them down at my sides. Maria didn’t look happy.

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