Chapter Twenty-Five: Child of God

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Child of God


“I have come to court your daughter, Vespera.”

My eyes widened and I hid back in the servant’s quarters, still watching the stranger and my father. From here, I could see that he was tall but skinny, with short golden hair and pristine white linen robes; I couldn’t see his face, however.

“Wonderful,” Father smiled.

I frowned, continuing to back away from the door until I made it to the outside entrance. I fumbled with the door handle and escaped into the city, feeling my heart pounding in my throat.

It had been two years since I had been labeled a ‘Christian’s whore’ and it had since worn off. The graffiti had been scratched out and replaced with the latest gossip about how Nero was a ‘boy lover.’ But I was still living with the repercussions. Some people still avoided me, though thank…whatever was up there, I was no longer a pariah.

I wandered around the Forum, hoping that Father would not come looking for me. Since I had turned nineteen, he stopped worrying about me as much. I left the house when I wanted and went nearly wherever I wanted. I did not walk with the gods, however. I stopped that a long time ago. They had abandoned me. I thought that they would defend the righteous—at least Diana or Vesta or Minerva, one of the virgin goddesses—but they had turned their backs, and I was convinced that perhaps…we were all alone in this world. The heavens were empty—at least of the pantheon I had believed in. There were so many things that were unexplained in this world save for the stories we had created. Maybe there was something divine, but the pantheon was not it.

I stalked back to my house just as I saw the stranger leaving. He had the classic Roman nose that everyone save myself seemed to have, sharp cheekbones, and a powerful gait. He was attractive. When I deemed it safe, I entered my home.

“Vespera!” Father exclaimed, stepping out of his room just as I was closing the door. “Where have you been?”

I shrugged. “The Forum.”

He smiled. “Well, I have wonderful news for you!”

“Oh…do you?” I asked lamely.

“A man came here asking for my permission to court you!”

I cleared my throat uncomfortably. “R…really?”

“Yes!” He was so happy that it broke my heart. Did he think I was such a useless daughter?

“What’s his name.” I didn’t ask it as a question.

“Philotheus Tremellius.”

“What does he do?”

Father smiled. “You can ask him that yourself. He’s coming over tomorrow.”

I was very hesitant about all of this. Did I even want to get married? Did I even want to be courted? It sounded exhausting, and I was sick of being scrutinized by others. Despite this, I asked, “Do you think he is a good man?”

“I do,” Father replied.

“How old is he?”


My eyebrows rose involuntarily. He was four years older than I was. Sanctius had only been one year older than me. Though four years perhaps wasn’t a whole lot, I hoped he wouldn’t patronize me. So I figured I had to indulge Father. “I’m eager to meet him.”

Father hugged me. “Thank you for doing this, Vespera. I think this will be good for you.”

“Maybe,” I said hesitantly. Father kissed my forehead and dismissed me. In a daze, I climbed up to my bedroom, unbelieving of what had just happened.

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