C h a p t e r F i v e|

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Min Yoongi's POV

When I woke up this morning, I was lying face to face with Jimin. Our noses were literally almost touching, and...and he didn't even do anything about it! I mean sure, I'm the one that was holding him last night, but...but I expected him to have pulled away by this morning! Stupid...why do I have to be so stupid?! Anyone could've walked into the room and saw us in that position. Luckily enough, the door was locked...I guess I have Manager Nam to thank for that. But still--!
My thoughts are quickly interrupted by the dinging sound of the elevator, alerting Jimin and I that it was arriving at the floor we were on. We step inside, and I sigh quietly. Not as quietly as I'd thought, apparently, because Jimin turned to look at me with a concerned expression. "You alright, Hyung?" He asks, looking at me curiously.
I smile at him, "I'm...I'm fine, Jiminie. I just can't stop thinking about..-"
"What happened last night? Well...and this morning, I guess..." He says, his cheeks flushing slightly, "It's alright, Yoongi Hyung. I can't either..." I nod, my face slowly becoming red.
"Hey, Jiminie...?" I ask quietly, keeping my head down. I hear him hum in response. "Last night, when we were going to bed...why-..why did you let me put my arms around you?" I ask, my face redder than I would've ever thought possible. I hesitantly lift my head and glance over at Jimin, who's face is just as red.
"I-..I, uh-..." He stutters, before clearing his throat and glancing over at me, "Well, I..-Because you seemed so comfortable, Hyung...And I-I was comfortable, too...So, I just-...I just thought we could sleep like that...You know...?" He says, before whispering quietly, "Even if it was just for one night...I've never slept better."
I still heard him, of course, and my eyes widen. I too slept better than I ever had, but I didn't expect him to admit that he had too. "I-I...Okay, Jiminie. Well...thank you. And...I slept very well, too..." I say, surprising myself.
Jimin sighs happily, like a weight was just taken off his chest. That's one of the reasons I admire my dongsaeng so much. He'll act as if nothing's bothering him, even if he feels as if he's carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.
"Okay, well...that's good, Hyung!" He says, a smile stretching across his face. He pulls me into a hug, causing me to tense up for a moment,  before slowly hugging him back. I feel my face redden again as he pulls away, nervously laughing. A small smile etches across my face at his actions, and I shake my head. The elevator stops, and the doors open, revealing everyone else waiting for us.
"Aish! What took you guys so long?!" We hear Manager Nam shout at us, while the other members stand up from their positions on the couch and walk towards us.
"Mianhae, Manager Nam. I was being hard-headed and didn't want to wake up at first, and then I had to take a quick shower..." I say, bowing quickly. I hear the other members snicker quietly, and Hoseok whispers something to Taehyung, who starts laughing under his breath (which I notice Jungkook glaring at for a moment) before asking something neither Jimin nor I were expecting.
"Yah, Yoongi Hyung, Jimin Hyung...why is your hair so messy? And why are your faces so red? What were you two doing in there, hm~?" Manager Nam smacks both their heads, while I glare at them. Jimin just stands beside me not saying anything, and I notice Jin Hyung and Namjoon standing behind everyone else, laughing at us.
"Y-Yah! Cut it out. Why aren't you talking about Jin Hyung and Namjoon?" I say, making everyone turn and look at them with confused expressions. They turn back to look at me not having a clue what I was talking about.  I sigh, a smirk appearing on my face. I slowly walk over to the two, stopping right in front of the eldest. "Hmm...Jin Hyung~?" I say, watching him begin fidgeting nervously.
"Yah...what are you doing, Yoongi?!" He says, nervousness clear in his voice as I lift his chin and tilt his face to the side. Namjoon is covering his mouth while silently laughing, but I notice he too is eyeing me nervously.
"Tsk tsk...Jin Hyung..." I say, pausing and turning to Namjoon. "Namjoon...how could you give Jin Hyung such an obvious hickey two nights before our big concert?" I say loudly, smirking at their reddening faces. Everyone bursts out laughing, the fact that I just outed two of our members replaying in their minds.
Once everyone calms down, the manager sighs. "Look, I for one suspected you guys were together for a while. But, please, Namjoon...if you're going to give your boyfriend hickeys, do it in a less obvious place next time? This will be awkward to explain to the makeup artist..." He says, smirking slightly, making everyone start laughing again.
"Uh...Y-Yes, sir. Thank you." Namjoon stutters out, Jin and his faces burning red.

Manager Nam's POV

'Well...two down, four to go.' I think, a smile forming on my face. They're already starting to make it painfully obvious that they like eachother. I just wonder if anyone else, including themselves, have noticed... I give them two weeks, tops.

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