Chapter 1

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" Emburn , Its time "
   Finnik wispered to wake her up, but he had no need to do so. For she hadn't gone to sleep that night. She just couldn't get the words out of her mind.
   She got up , and put on the rest of her chestplate. The sun was just setting , hiting the iron to make it seem as though she was the sun itself. She had promised Yack that she was not to go to the battle , but she promised herself she would fight tell her end. She was still breathing , so she lissed up her sandles.
  " Forgive me, my love. " She said as she kissed the head of her sleeping husbend. She tehen kissed the head of her sleepimg son , Alaxsenser.
  " I shell retrin when the gods will me so.But do not so forget me , but forgive me. Do not so betray me, but love me as so you do now. Do not let your deams be feild with the death that may so come of me, but with my heart that you have so took. And reamber , Always Be Brave as if today was your last. Tel' we shall meet again." And with that she grabed her wepeands and reteded out of her home.
  As she walked , her men came forth.  Tel' she was at the Great Aor.
   " Brave souls of Zayland, I wish you to know that if you sould come with me to this great battle , you may not so come back. So say goodbye to your Mothers and Fathers, To your Wifes and Husbends , To your Childen. To all tof Zaylad and our mighty gods, who have bleesed as with life. If you are to stay, you will not be seen as weak. Inless you have made the promise that all great warriors are to have made to them selfs. If you have , and you are to stay , you are not a disgrace to the gods, to Zayland, to your family, but inseed to your self as a being. If you come , we must leave as of now. "
  She manted her hourse, and lead the the way to there deaths.But not one man , nor women steped down. For they all new if they did so, they would never forget the disapoeamt that would be placed in Emburns firey eyes.
They traveled tell they meet the seacend oldest Younder son. Greagor was awating them his Aor already a light.
  " Hello my son " Finnik said to the young man.
" Hello my father !" Greagor said inbracing the man." And you too Emburn!" He said as he inbraced her as well.
" Hello Greagor, I am glad you could make the long jeorny. Have I heard corccetly ,that Jeays is with child? "
   " You have! The baby is to be any night fall now. " He chackled " and what about you Emburn ? "
  " A women is more then a birthgiver. She is as she wills to be. And I will to be the beganing of freedom for our people, not the bithgiver. For there is so much more to life then living."
  " Very well, as you wish " Greagor said.
  They traveled tell the moon was at its brightest. They lind up side by side. Even though the Zaylanders numbers where of a few, they Emburn knew they where to win, without shadow of a dout.
  As the last war cry that Mashens made was gone, the Zayland attacked . Fire, Water, Air, Eath, Light and Darkness flew around the Mashens.
  Some tried to fight it, some tried to run, but all was powerless agenst the Zaylanders Aors. When the horn of Zayland was blowen they took there weapends and attcked them. With the Aors and black Iron the Zaylanders were invisable.
And soon the Masnens reteeded giving the Zaylanders what they wanted: Freedom.

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