Chapter 3: A Close Encounter With Death.

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I snap awake to the sound of something falling just outside the door frame.knowing I had overstayed my welcome I try my best to sneak into the closet room with a door, that was slightly open ironically and probably why I decided to try for it without checking if the cost was clear first. As I start to crawl to the door from my hiding place when another loud crash made me freeze came from the kitchen.

pots and pans crash out of the doorway and all over the dining room followed by one of the grotesquely mutated humans scattering out of the kitchen like a spooked kitten, sending Much of the cookware spinning again and making it hiss at one of the pans closest to it.

I try to go back to my hiding place as stealthily as I could but accidentally knocked into the crates behind me making them fall over, making the beast jump of foot in the air and thoroughly catching their attention. the thing slowly crept towards me, my first thought was I should run but all my joints and muscles froze and i couldn't move

the fowl Beast loomed over me, it's horrid breath nearly giving me the ability to run. It's teeth were bared, saliva dripping from it's Mouth, filled with razor sharp teeth. its dead eyes stared straight through me but I couldn't run, I just couldn't. As its mouth neared my face I fearing it would be last thing I would see. I Squeeze shut my eyes bracing myself for the worst but it jest snuffed about for a bit then turned around and headed for the door. A while after it exited and was out of sight I Collapse completely to the floor with a Wave of relief washing over me

As I lied there shaking from the horror I just experienced and from relief that I was still alive, when a question occurred to me: why didn't it attacked me? Then I remembered when we were first attack they didn't attacked me until I started running, why? and the thing that was in the house with me why didn't it attack when I was sitting still. I could feel it, I was so close to an answer but my mind was into much shock to put two and two together. I just sat there asking the same question why wasn't I dead yet?

It took me awhile to get my head back together enough to notice what time of day. It was it was mid afternoon the sun was high in the sky butt was blocked out by clouds most of the time it would have been a wonderful day if I had nearly been killed. I know it wasn't safe to stay in one place for too long, so I picked myself up off the floor and walked out into the alley way using the what was left of the walls of the buildings for support. I had to find someone who could help someone who could save my friends. they need help and I needed help to help them.

At that moment I didn't know that all of humanity, it was now under the control of something much bigger than I could have ever imagined.

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