Chapter One

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Kane woke up to soft hands stroking his chest. He stirred awake after hours of deep sleep, his mind still foggy from the night before. The effects of the copious number of drinks he had early in the night were still plaguing his mind. He felt the headache behind his eyes, dull and for the moment, unmoveable. It would resolve itself soon enough he was sure, one of the benefits of a werewolves' metabolism.

Those hands were still moving, and Kane forced himself to open his tired eyes. He saw the celling first, the white paint hanging above him. The brightness of it sent a shot of pain through his eyes. He groaned and blinked against the intensity of the light.

"You really did drink too much, didn't you?" The soft voice came from close to his ear, the words no bigger than a whisper.

Flashes of Peyton's party the night before came to the forefront of his mind and he remembered sneaking off with Wyatt in the early hours of the morning, climbing through Wyatt's window and hazily ripping the clothes from each other's bodies like it was the first time they had ever explored each other's skin. It wasn't, for sure, since they had been secretly together for months. In his mind, Kane knew that they were dating, but Wyatt would never allow him to say that out loud. Kane wanted to roll his eyes at just the mere thought. Wyatt hated it when he called them a couple, or even when he implied it.

"I think I did," Kane mumbled. He blinked over at the white-haired boy lying in the bed next to him.

Wyatt's pale body was exposed, the blankets piled at his feet. He was wearing blue boxers and nothing else. Wyatt was looking up at him with a smile on his face. "I hope you don't mind that I woke you. It was getting late."

"What time is it?" Kane asked after suddenly remembering the importance of the day. "Are we late?"

Wyatt shook his head and smiled up at him. "As if I would ever let you be late for today."

Kane cupped Wyatt's cheek with his hand. "You're the best."

Wyatt shrugged. His hand was still moving on Kane's torso, his fingers lightly drawing across his skin. "I know of one way you can thank me." Wyatt's expression was innocent, but his words certainly were not.

Kane rolled so that he was on top of Wyatt, his naked body pressing against him. "Do you now?" Kane pressed his nose into Wyatt's neck, breathing in his scent. It was sweet, and smelt of innocence. Kane would know the smell anywhere, for it was the distinguishing scent of an omega. He pulled his face away from Wyatt's neck and looked down at his face. He saw him as much more than just an omega, but most people wouldn't. He hated the way some people looked down on people like Wyatt. Kane would never understand their ignorance.

Wyatt giggled. His bright, grey eyes widened in anticipation. Kane looked down at him and was filled with adoration. Wyatt made him feel alive, like the entire world disappeared around them.

"Stop teasing me," Wyatt whispered, "please."

Kane lowered his face down slowly, smiling at Wyatt between each tiny movement. Wyatt thought that it was hilarious and his adorable giggle filled Kane's ears. He finally reached Wyatt's lips and kissed him. It was deep and passionate and reminded Kane of their antics the night before. He knew that he was more than happy to repeat the last night's adventures.

Kane pulled back for a moment and stared down into Wyatt's big, grey eyes. "I love you, Wyatt."

Wyatt's expression changed. "What?" he asked. His voice was small, like usual, but there was something in his tone that caused Kane to freeze.


"Don't say it again!" Wyatt said suddenly. Kane pulled away from Wyatt and sat up. He stared at Wyatt's face. He was disappointed. Wyatt sat up next to him, his hands fiddling in his lap. "I told you, we can't get emotional here. It's just sex."

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